Kibler SMR Shipping Today.

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45 Cal.
Aug 7, 2021
Reaction score
Just got an email from Bree asking if they should ship the Rifle this morning, I replied When Ever Your Ready. Jim from what I understand has been getting a lot of kits ready to go and building up inventory so as to keep the wait time a little shorter, I ordered it July 31st which was the last day of his sale he had going on and it’s going out today August 10th so eleven days is better than three weeks. I am pretty stocked I have never seen one of his CNC kits before except pictures of others. It should get to me soon as Ohio and Pennsylvania are neighbors ha ha…. 👍
Nice, Looking to do one myself someday. Was gonna order a woodsrunner in .50 but I'm hearing that a fowler is in the works, may hold off and wait for that so I can scratch that itch. Post pics when done, would love to see it.
Just got an email from Bree asking if they should ship the Rifle this morning, I replied When Ever Your Ready. Jim from what I understand has been getting a lot of kits ready to go and building up inventory so as to keep the wait time a little shorter, I ordered it July 31st which was the last day of his sale he had going on and it’s going out today August 10th so eleven days is better than three weeks. I am pretty stocked I have never seen one of his CNC kits before except pictures of others. It should get to me soon as Ohio and Pennsylvania are neighbors ha ha…. 👍
Mine arrived the day after they shipped it!!!
I ordered this guy in .45 cal and will post some pics afterwards, Have built seven Rifles through out my years and have turned out really well , I have never built a rifle from a bare piece of wood though all the stocks have been roughed out with the barrel channel there and a some what lock and trigger mortise already to start the inlet. This Kibler kit is going to be a lot different to me but I never underestimate any flys in the ointment because that’s when you run into well this is to easy so to speak, but I could be wrong. I never have used Tried And True before and would like to give it a try, woodcraft near me has it for forty dollars a quart and if any of you gentleman have experience using it could you tell me how you like it or not. And one more question is if any of you have made a toe plate for the SMR what was the Width for it that you used the length really isn’t an issue , figured I would whip one up tonight wile I am waiting for the kit to arrive.
Thanks tunadaw that makes sense. It looks 3/4” when you look on his web site at the stock.
here is the one i just finished,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wow you really brought the curl out of that piece of maple, The rifle over all is magnificent, and just enough length for the toe plate, hope the One being shipped to me turns out as nice.
Man you guys are all doing such a Super Nice Cut Above Job on all your Rifles that I am going to have to try and keep up with this build, every gun from all you fellas look and I mean this * Museum AAA Grad. I am Pumped. I checked the ship progress and it’s out of Ohio now so it won’t be long…
Look what showed up on a Saturday. Was at the hardware store for a half hour and when I pulled in the driveway this was leaning against the house under the porch light. OH Baby…


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