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    • BillyC
      BillyC reacted to Patocazador's post in the thread pennsylvania bear hunting with Like Like.
      Nowadays, if given the chance, every game warden will write a ticket rather than listen to a sensible explanation. IMO, it's because...
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread New member from PA..
      Welcome from just north of Pittsburgh.
    • BillyC
      BillyC reacted to ZUG's post in the thread My trip to Gettysburg today with Like Like.
      I've been to the Gettysburg battlefield and the town many times and every time I go it brings tears to my eyes and makes me sad. It's a...
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Burned!.
      He sold the OP lead that was never delivered, not me.
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Burned!.
      At this point anyone who buys from him gets what they deserve. I see he has a lot of listings with no response that he keeps bumping...
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Burned!.
      Well he responded to my post and admitted he didn’t deliver the lead, blamed the USPS, and said the OP had buyers remorse, doesn’t...
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Burned!.
      He has several guns listed for sale. I just replied to one listing telling him he has been outed as a scammer and should find a new...
    • BillyC
      BillyC reacted to TDM's post in the thread .36 cal SMR in Walnut completed with Like Like.
      Finished up assembling my Kibler SMR today. Nothing out of the ordinary, only extras were a good internal & external lock polish, a toe...
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Tried out my Callahan bag mold.
      Sorry, this one is with the balls I poured
      • IMG_1972.jpeg
    • BillyC
      BillyC replied to the thread Tried out my Callahan bag mold.
      My Callahan bag mold and a few balls I poured with it
      • IMG_1970.jpeg
    • BillyC
      BillyC reacted to Tasbay's post in the thread Lead could dissolve a marriage with Like Like.
      Wife came home from work last night and said to me Guess what one of the girls at work threw out that belonged to her husband. She had...
    • BillyC
      BillyC reacted to ColonialRifleSmith's post in the thread SOLD Southern Mountain Rifle with Like Like.
      That's city thinking. As a mountain boy, I'm honest enough to discuss the rifle with my wife. Semper Fio_O
    • BillyC
      I was there on Thursday morning with my wife and Brittany. Bought a few odds and ends, was disappointed there weren’t any bag makers...
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