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    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Gunmakers Fair at Kempton.
      Will be heading up there on Saturday my granddaughter wants to get into ML and she has never been to an event like this, Every time I go...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Trouble getting new fowler clean.
      Have been using Windex for 25+ years, I just don’t know why other people don’t use it. In between shots at the range for a fast clean...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread New Member from Central KS.
      Hello from PA.
    • Tenring
      If you watch Jim’s video on how he came to doing the design of the Fowler he is offering he was saying that from just the public...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread IS THIS A SAFE SHOOTING BARREL?.
      Concerned about Cap Locks, REALLY… LOL:rolleyes:
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread IS THIS A SAFE SHOOTING BARREL?.
      What’s the problem, looks fine clean load and shoot start with a 50 or 60 grain charge of 2 or 3 F black powder and work from there at...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Roanoke Colony Firearms.
      It had to be ruff to fight with a Match Lock trying to keep the Match/Fuse lit and smoldering all the time plus having a bandolero of...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Spiller and Burr.
      Speaking of fouling from tight tolerance one of the 58 New Army’s I shoot has a conversion cylinder and even if your loading modern...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Eye injuries from flintlock?.
      The club I belong to couldn’t care if both eyes got blown out as long as you pay your dues, OH wait you can’t shoot steel because of...
    • Tenring
      Welcome from PA.
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Must be nice.
      Southeastern Pa. As of the last two weeks have been Humid with really high temps, BP fowling turns exceedingly gummy and sticky you no...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Won A Hawkin!.
      Can’t beat a good phone call for a change, Right…So Cool
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread Issues with new Pietta..
      That’s great.
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread BALLISTOL a fair shake.
      I have two cans of it and have had them for a long time I am just not to crazy about it to be honest, I don’t know if it’s the...
    • Tenring
      Tenring replied to the thread How do you like your horns?.
      I had an old rusty three inch steel pipe about four feet long and I took an old mower blade and scratched up and down and caught the...
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