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Middlesex Village muskets

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i agree with Paul and Mike- there's no q.a. to speak of with the india- made stuff; you get what you get, and there's virtually no recourse other than maybe getting a refund of the purchase price of the gun if 'something goes wrong' (i.e. you burst a barrel and lose a few fingers or a hand or, well, you get the gruesome idea...) sorry about your injury, here's a few hundred bucks, now shut up and go away.

i admit to having an india made smoothbore- i bought it when i was young and dumb (now i'm just old and dumb) but i went in with 'eyes open-' i had no notions about this thing as anything other than a wall hanger, and after i frired it a few times, i noticed a suspicious smudge under one of the barrels as i was cleaning it, and i figured that it was a seam and that all was not going as it should, so i took the odd sized nipples out (still have them somewhere) and hung it on the wall, since it looks cool and has a fascinating piece of wood.

as regards the whole 'buy americam' deal, i will confess that i own stuff made in the PRC, and some stuff made in Tiawan, and some sneakers (can you even get sneakers made in the US anymore?) and so forth. now...

(que the tirade) you can skip the tirade if you want- i won't mind 'cause i won't know you did it.

we make steel here in the USA. not as much as we used to, but the stuff we make is made (mostly) by folks who know what the're doing- the United Steel Workers (i belong to local 1862) have gone to the mat for american workers more often than i can count, and it's good every now and again to be reminded that steel in the PRC is made with about eight times the pollutants that the same quantity of steel costs the US enviornment, that the worker goes home with enough money in his or her pocket to put groceries on the table, and that just because someone wears safety shoes at work, they have as much reason to enjoy the dignity and respect enjoyed by the doctors, lawers and indians chief.

my point?

usually, i will pursue the best product for a given price. if you buy foreign made steel, you not only depart from my underlying premise (best value for the money) but you facilitate and participate in a race to the bottom which will leave virtually every production capability in the hands of foreign powers who may or may not be friendly (or at least willing to follow the rules, for the time being) the relative 'patriotism' of this is a tirade for another day. the economic idiocy is self evident.

ok- end of tirade

if you want to plonk down your hard earned, overtaxed, God- entrusted dollars on an indian made musket, that's entirely up to you. go in with eyes open. were it up to me, i'd save up a few more bucks and look at CVA or Lyman or T/C.

free advice, and no doubt worth every penny.
poordevil said:
I don't have an Indian gun and probably never will. To each their own. I like my NEW guns to look new, not worn finished. That to me speaks of lazyness and sloppy quility, hidden by phoney wear and tear....again I know some like it but :barf: I know your guns sell, but I bet not as well as you would like, they are priced rather high......when you post, I hear alot of sour grapes

Odd. I've never seen a thread on this forum where the posters complain about the quality of Mike's guns, or that the price was too high. :idunno:
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True enough. On the other hand I have never seen anyone complain about the Indian guns except those who do not have them......or have an item to sell that the indian gun beats pricewise.

And for me none of this has anything to with High cost vs low cost, but Gentelmany vs rude borish attitudes. If I am guilty of any of the above, then I beg your pardon. If anybodies Momma here taught them manners, then it would be nice to see.

poordevil said:
..........I like my NEW guns to look new, not worn finished. That to me speaks of lazyness and sloppy quility, hidden by phoney wear and tear....again I know some like it but :barf:

My, my. That is a little more than uncalled for.


Mike, pay no attention to the noise.
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Gentelmany vs rude borish attitudes. If I am guilty of any of the above, then I beg your pardon. If anybodies Momma here taught them manners, then it would be nice to see.
poordevil said:
True enough. On the other hand I have never seen anyone complain about the Indian guns except those who do not have them......or have an item to sell that the indian gun beats pricewise.

And for me none of this has anything to with High cost vs low cost, but Gentelmany vs rude borish attitudes. If I am guilty of any of the above, then I beg your pardon. If anybodies Momma here taught them manners, then it would be nice to see.


They may not complain, most maybe, I have seen some complain, but there sure has been an awful lot of threads of Indian made gun owners admitting to having to redo or rework their guns to get them to work right over the years. Something I've never seen concerning any of Mikes work in the 6 years I've been here and known him.
"I like my NEW guns to look new, not worn finished. That to me speaks of lazyness and sloppy quility, hidden by phoney wear and tear...."

One doing a 1760 persona with a 1730 gun would look foolish with a new gun, this is just one example, also the above quote shows a good case for one having at least a minimum working knowledge of a subject before offering an opinion on the subject, there is a situation developing here where a handfull, who know very, very little are trying to offer answers to every post that is presented and really not doing much of value.
Mike Brooks said:
I know your guns sell, but I bet not as well as you would like, they are priced rather high.
They sell fine, my back log is 1 1/2 years to 2 years most of the time. I'm not sure I'd like them to sell any better.
Sour Grapes? Sure, I don't like foreigners to take American jobs. In the last 30 years we have exported all of our jobs overseas, I don't think that was very bright as all we have left to buy is some cheap plastic **** at Walmart made in china. I know I always try and buy American if I can find it and don't mind paying more for the product. At least it helps keep my potential customers employed. I really hate having to compete with some Indian dressed in rags sitting on a dirt floor using his toes for a vice filing up parts with a dull file that probably makes 20 cents a day.
I like my NEW guns to look new, not worn finished. That to me speaks of lazyness and sloppy quility, hidden by phoney wear and tear....again I know some like it but
Nice personal attack *******. Now I'm lazy and have sloppy "quility" (what ever that is:idunno:) You gotta dog in this fight or are you just looking to slam me around....seems I recall you taking a couple feeble swings at me before. :haha:
they are priced rather high
None of your worry, you'll never buy one of my guns anyway. :haha:
I thing your guns look damn good, and I can relate to jobs going off shore, been there done that. Most people that buy the imported manure want to have braging rights as to how much they have and how cheep it was to buy! Keep up the good work Mike :thumbsup:
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made we should take a step back and ask why ther are so few kits for simular guns
I tofw bess but was unsure i be able to biuld up the lock for it as i dont have all the fancy tools to it up right
I have to admit i owned one befor it filled a void between sitting home and waiting to get up enouf extra to buy a decent gun and already blowing smoke i quickly moved sideways and went to CVA and some jap stuff
working my way though and learning as i go but nevre had much issue or none i know about either by smarts or just plain luck
I for one cant afford the price of a nice custom made gun nor can i validate it not to say top shelf is great i jsut now been able to scrape up enouf to do a semi custom kit and hopes that do
I do see the strong feeling here even for the pedersoli owner that custom guns rule the roost even if half way done decent
I posted asking for how folks felt and get there opnions and hav to thank both sides for a good input but for job loss that your government and the chase for the most profit by heartless corperations
"I do see the strong feeling here even for the pedersoli owner that custom guns rule the roost even if half way done decent"

I don't think ruling the roost is the issue, there is a difference between most any import and a well done custom/semicustom if you prefer,generaly in quality nearly always in degree of historical accuracy, the level of each is a personal choice, many who have been around both types for 30+ years highly recommend the domestic product and put a high value on both points of quality and HC now comes the rub, down the path comes those who have only dealt with the former type of gun so are inclined to rant and rave about how great imports are and Pooh Pooh the experience builders/shooters who have lived in both worlds, these folks also dive into every HC/PC post telling us how PC/HC does not matter to them and to build a gun the way one wants to, even when the original post asked specificaly about the historical aspect,the point is to accept each type of gun for what it is and not to try and inflate the quality and historical status of some guns that are not deserving of such, most confrontations come from someone trying to do this and feeling they need to respond to a post whether they have any knowledge at all of the topic,this happens most often on threads about imports,PC/HC guns comparing the two and posts on what gun to build.Some with limited knowledge do ask questions and make an honest effort to learn rather than disrupt and try for self validation this is a good thing that will hopefully increase.
TG post one was by me and i was asking about guns from this vendor and you are correct i myself rather have quality piece and safest smoke pole i can have
In asking this question i have found a couple of vendors who deal in medium priced US made kits win win and win in my book
for me i dont shoot in matches and i dont do reinacting and i dont hunt i just like pulling the trigger of a fine flinters
I have yet to find anyone else in my neck or the world who shoots BP in traditional form
unless your anal ab out reinacting
I had my tee pee and my skins and did the mountain man thing but that jsut to much for me these days besides my bride would not join me either
"I have yet to find anyone else in my neck or the world who shoots BP in traditional form
unless your anal ab out reinacting"

I do not understand that sentence, could you clarify?
buzz said:
TG post one was by me and i was asking about guns from this vendor and you are correct i myself rather have quality piece and safest smoke pole i can have
In asking this question i have found a couple of vendors who deal in medium priced US made kits win win and win in my book
for me i dont shoot in matches and i dont do reinacting and i dont hunt i just like pulling the trigger of a fine flinters
I have yet to find anyone else in my neck or the world who shoots BP in traditional form
unless your anal ab out reinacting
I had my tee pee and my skins and did the mountain man thing but that jsut to much for me these days besides my bride would not join me either

Some people take reanacting very serious and judging by your post more serious than you want to do it. Thats fine, we all fall differently on the scale of things but your comment is really rather harsh to some who do take it seriously.