Kibler has announced a Hawken Kit in the works.

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May 28, 2022
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Louisiana & My camp in Mississippi
Well, I was surprised to read it, but it’s what a lot of folks have been asking for. Jim posted on the ALR forum that he’s looking to buy or borrow an original Hawken for measurements and study in preparation for the new kit. And, he says it will be a half stock percussion. No time line was mentioned.
WOW! That got my attention! He'll be overwhelmed with orders if that occurs; I'd better get my order in as soon as it's announced! I know the fellow who wrote the recent book on Hawkins, (his name escapes me at the moment?) would no doubt be able to offer help for a 'loaner' to Mr. Kibler! Woodfill, that's the name, Mr. Woodfill.
Would you be more excited to purchase a Kibker Hawken kit that is representative of the later time period like the Bridger and Carson rifles, or something earlier like the "ETC" Hawken, "Peterson" Hawken, or "Atchison" Hawken? I hope that Jim's design is unique, just the way the colonial and woodsrunner rifles are, but true to the build features that identify a rifle as a St Louis Hawken. This does not necessarily mean having the same snail type breech bolster, tightly wound scroll guard, and Golcher type lock plate.

Regardless, I'll be excited to get one at some point.

Honestly, I think a fine looking English sporting rifle with checkering on the wrist would excite me more than a Hawken. I want to plank build a Hawken of my own flavor. An English sporting rifle is a much larger undertaking for my skill level and knowledge of the rifle design.
The English Fowler will come first, wouldn’t be surprised if they opened it up for orders in the next couple of months. You can read Jim’s exact words in the ALR “for sale” thread, it’s right up near the top. My guess is that the Hawken is still a year or so out. I was definitely surprised when he said it would be percussion, but it’s a good thing. Gives him a starting point. There’s a good chance 10 years from now he could offer another 8-10 new kits.
I was hoping for a Pistol, but will gladly settle for a Hawkins! Mr. Kibler will be like Scrooge McDuck, rolling around in the money that guys will be sending in! Good for him; using today's modern technology to make beautiful copies of 19th Century guns!
FWIW... my preference, as a hunter, would be for an authentic late Hawken half stock percussion in .54 or .58 with a 32"-36" barrel of 1" max across the flats, tapered to the muzzle, or even 15/16" and tapered if possible, to keep the finished weight down in the 8-9 lb range, or less.
And curly maple.
I have a walnut stocked Allen F.A. Santa Fe Hawken in .53 with 32" straight 1" barrel that weighs 9.5 lbs which I have contemplated having bored to .58 by Mr. Hoyt... but that still leaves my curly maple itch un-scratched...
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