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    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      Looking at it under a bore scope, it sure looked like rust to me. I never left all the wd40 in there, but double tight patch it out and...
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      HighUintas reacted to wiscoaster's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      I think this might be the one. It's been hit by inflation, same as everything else. Teslong also does sell higher-priced models. But...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread New peep sight..
      I'd like to do this, but I don't think my ability to drill a hole square to the surface is Good enough for a peep site. Did you use a...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      Yea the ability to look in the bore is great but can also breed anxiety and tail chasing. I just use it to gauge how well my cleaning...
    • H
      HighUintas reacted to azmntman's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      8 parts water to 1 part molasses soak 2-3 days then brush and clean
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      I'll definitely try cleaning it with molasses next time I see some rust come back. How diluted should it be? Just soak? And for how...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      Here's a video of my bore I just took. This is after multiple rounds of 3m pad and 0000 steel wool scrubbing, VERY tight on a jag. It is...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      I should have been more accurate in my statement. There's no proof that it will allow rust over time, but I did get rust when I used it...
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      HighUintas reacted to JDBraddy's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      Living in Texas, took me a while to figure out condensation was my problem, moving gums back and forth from an air conditioned storage...
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      HighUintas reacted to waksupi's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      WD40 will leave a residual build up. I made a lot of money over the years cleaning guns that wouldn't function, because of the buildup...
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      HighUintas reacted to Iron Jim Rackham's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      Barricade works very well on steel barrels. I shoot a lot of iron barrel originals and get good results with olive oil. RIG works well...
    • H
      HighUintas reacted to wiscoaster's post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      Agreed. Rough bore is more difficult to clean spotless (you may not see it, but it's there). Even more, smooth surface doesn't give...
    • H
      HighUintas reacted to J.D.'s post in the thread Unbeatable bore rust with Like Like.
      <<<Colerain. It's their standard 58 barrel round bottom grooves. It's very rough... Lots of chatter marks on the lands but most of the...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      I have not tried barricade but have always heard good things. I'll try that. I've tried a couple others. Hoppes, Lucas, ballistol (now...
    • H
      HighUintas replied to the thread Unbeatable bore rust.
      That's really strange. Is that to remove the rust without having to scrub it with steel wool? Not that I won't try something new, but...
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