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Would you eat raw deer liver?

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50 Cal.
Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
New England
I was listening to the story told by my dentist as he was filling a bad filling from a previous tooth butcher.

He is an avid shooter and does some hunting. He was in Montana with the Army and was on a deer hunt at one of the Indian reservations out there. He had video taped the whole thing and told me how the native guide blessed the rifle and after shooting the deer, he took a chuck of raw liver and had eaten it. He said he ate some as well. After he took the drill out of my mouth I asked about parasites and the like. The doc responded saying that stomach acids are pretty strong and would kill most things. But he did say that when he got back, he took a few penicillin just in case.

I remember hunting with an Indian up in Maine. When we shot a bear, he'd eat a piece of the raw liver.

Ok. Here is my question. Would you get some sort of parasite like round worms or a tape worms. I remember seeing these little worms on the inner wall of the heart from a moose I Contenderized. Would you get some disease? It didn't seem to bother the Indians or my dentist.

Ok. I am ready for the onslaught of responses.
Fresh, hot and bloody. As soon as it comes out of the animal. Best eating you'd ever have. It's kind of crunches as you chew it, not mushy like cooked liver. Never had a problem health wise, but I always look for spots and worms.

Rick. :thumbsup:
I've ate raw, deer, buffalo, moose, and caribou, liver without any ill-effects. The only thing I didn't care for, was the "gristle" sometimes git'n stuck 'tween my teeth.

I'm with the Maestro. I don't like any kind of liver, cooked or raw. It's a holdover from my childhood, I guess, because there's little else I don't like. The heart is okay, but I always cook it first. graybeard
If I was starving but na not for the heck of it.Not a big fan of any raw critter of any kind relly but I did eat a bug one time.
Yup, as was previously said on this topic..if you check it for any spots or unusual areas don't see why it would not be safe. I also eat raw ground beef...make it into a pattie, salt and pepper, some slices of onion between two pieces of buttered rye bread...scrumptious, Imo. To be honest, considering what all is fed to the animals we normally use for food, wild game is a hell of a lot more healthy to eat and more nutritous, imo.
Raw Liver...... :shake:......I think I'll leave it to the Indians.I like it cooked but not Raw.
I'm with you on that raw hamburger sandwich.
Been eating them since i was a kid. My mother would
make meatloaf and always made extra so my father,brother,
and myself would have enough for raw sandwiches. Nowadays
i use ground round or ground chuck just to keep it as lean
as possible(salt-pepper-onion-and a touch of garlic
powder)...I like cooked deer liver and heart...Just never
tried either one raw. Mite try liver as it is fairly tender
raw but heart is very tough and needs a lot of slow cooking
A thousand times-NO. As a kid i was forced to "clean my plate". I would sit at the table staring at liver 'n onions, all the while stuffin' pieces of that nasty fare into my pocket when no one was looking until my plate was "clean". Then it was off to the backyard, where the family dog had a treat (YUCK). There is no recipie on earth to make that horrid organ taste good to me.
No offence to those that like it-for me, no way!
It's funny you bring that up as i was the same way
with liver when i was a kid. My brother and i could not
leave the supper table until are plates were clean. If we should not choose to clean the plate we had it for
breakfast. These were my dad's rules and thankfully at the
time he was a railroader and only home 2 maybe 3 days a
week. My mother was much more lenient. But in those days
we had a boxer dog that laid at my feet at supper time
that of course loved liver and lima beens..Thank heavens!
Hope i'm not getting off topic to much
It's a good thing Deer are made of meat.It wouldn't be much good to shoot them if they weren't....... :youcrazy: ::
If I was starving but na not for the heck of it.Not a big fan of any raw critter of any kind relly but I did eat a bug one time.

I couldn't eat liver raw or cooked. I ate a bug once too, but I was on a motorcycle and I didn't do it on purpose. :shocking:
Eating raw filter organs may not be the best idea, but it's less likely to get you than eating ANYTHING raw from a bear. Bears are the only source of trichonosis that I know of anymore--not even pigs have it. Always, always cook your bear.

And "stomach acid will kill MOST things???"

You need a new doctor. That's like saying "most bullets won't kill you, so, play russian roulette all you like".

Heh..speaking of bugs, way back when I was in the Army we were on bivouac and after the chow wagon delived and set up the mess we had those ice cream cup things for dessert. Well, the SFC was sittin in a jeep eating his and I and a couple of other guys were there just shooting the bull and eating the dessert when this thing that looked like a skinny green grasshopper landed in mine. I just scooped him up with the ice cream and ate it. I thought that SFC was gonna die! He turned the most lovely shade of green, and he was a big tough looking guy. He asked how I could do such a thing..I told him you gotta swallow real quick otherwise the dang thing would start crawling back up your throat. It was hilarious just watching his reaction after that one. :D
Other than drinking blood from the heart of my first deer many years ago to celebrate (Dad said I had to and then afterwards handed me the whiskey flask), never do I eat the beasties raw.

Cook to 165 degrees and you will be safe from bacteria.

Eating raw filter organs

Ok, thats enough to stop me right there..from even eating, liver cooked or raw, and has for years... and we havent even thought about the bacteria/worms yet....so NO I wouldnt.
At the resturant folks would always tell me that, I must love Liver-N-Onions cuz I made them so good.. :haha: I think I just cooked them with LOTS of onions so I didnt have to smell the liver :winking: ok back on topic :)

I do have a question, is there a reason for eating, say the liver raw, or drinking the blood.. I mean is this some sort of tradition/ritual, or somthing? just curious.