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Panama Red

I heard there was pizza…
MLF Supporter
Apr 13, 2023
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Hello all you black powder loving type! I’m located way out in the woods of North Central Florida, have been modern muzzle load hunting for about 20 years, compound and traditional bow hunting longer than that, IDPA pistol competition for at least 12 years, and shooting for as far back as I can remember. Got my first BB gun at the age of four. My father had to build a custom stock for it so I could shoot it… anyways, I’m 60 now, retired from an eternity working for the federal government. Yes, all the horror stories you hear are real. I’ve done military with them, federal employee, and contractor, so I’ve seen it from all sides.
Not sure why I’ve waited so long to go traditional with the black powder. Maybe because I was so wrapped up in the smokeless games… anyone paying attention knows how that’s going lately. Primers started being made from unobtanium, so I decided to back off on the reloading, and ammo got scarce for a bit, and when it came back, it’s stupid expensive. So, like quite a few I’ve seen in here, I’ve decided to go flintlock. Haven’t purchased one yet. That’s how I got here, trying to figure out what to get. Looking at the Kibler very hard, with Pedersoli running a close second.
I’ll let you know when I finally make up my mind. I’ve already got a .50 cal front stuffer, so I’m thinking going small this time, like a .32. Maybe .36. Shooting squirrel and rabbit mostly. Maybe the odd raccoon. Definitely paper.
Have enjoyed the posts I’ve read so far. Looking to learn a lot. See y’all in the woods. Or not. You’ll see me though. Can’t miss me. I’m noisy… and large.
and from Nrthern AZ. +1 on .36 vs .32. Kibler for sure over pedersoli if you can aford te difference. WATCH our classifid sections. Deals on Kiblers built and sold are fequent.
I hadn’t thought about the difficulty in loading the smaller ball. I’ve got the money for the Kibler sitting in an envelope. Have just been reading up on if the price difference is worth it. I appreciate the input!
Hello all you black powder loving type! I’m located way out in the woods of North Central Florida, have been modern muzzle load hunting for about 20 years, compound and traditional bow hunting longer than that, IDPA pistol competition for at least 12 years, and shooting for as far back as I can remember. Got my first BB gun at the age of four. My father had to build a custom stock for it so I could shoot it… anyways, I’m 60 now, retired from an eternity working for the federal government. Yes, all the horror stories you hear are real. I’ve done military with them, federal employee, and contractor, so I’ve seen it from all sides.
Not sure why I’ve waited so long to go traditional with the black powder. Maybe because I was so wrapped up in the smokeless games… anyone paying attention knows how that’s going lately. Primers started being made from unobtanium, so I decided to back off on the reloading, and ammo got scarce for a bit, and when it came back, it’s stupid expensive. So, like quite a few I’ve seen in here, I’ve decided to go flintlock. Haven’t purchased one yet. That’s how I got here, trying to figure out what to get. Looking at the Kibler very hard, with Pedersoli running a close second.
I’ll let you know when I finally make up my mind. I’ve already got a .50 cal front stuffer, so I’m thinking going small this time, like a .32. Maybe .36. Shooting squirrel and rabbit mostly. Maybe the odd raccoon. Definitely paper.
Have enjoyed the posts I’ve read so far. Looking to learn a lot. See y’all in the woods. Or not. You’ll see me though. Can’t miss me. I’m noisy… and large.
Welcome to the forum from North Texas . I'm born and bred on the Muddy Red. I've been to the "redneck Riviera" a time or two.
Welcome to the forum from North Texas . I'm born and bred on the Muddy Red. I've been to the "redneck Riviera" a time or two.
I’ve always said, if I didn’t live in Florida, it would be Texas. Have visited many times. And honestly, it was nothing more than the attitude of the people there. I’ve been all around the country, but Texas has some of the friendliest people. When they’re that nice to total strangers…
Quick story, first time driving through Texas, I’m flying down a two lane road in the middle of nowhere North Texas, gentle rolling hills, double yellow the whole way. I’m doing just shy of 90, and come up on a car going about 50. As I’m approaching , I’m thinking, “Dang! I can never pass here!” And as I get closer, they pull as far over to the right as they can on the wide shoulder, and let me pass! I’m waving and honking, thinking, that’s got to be the nicest person ever, and then the next guy does it, and the next, and so on…
Blew my mind! I tried to get that started down here in FL, but people just don’t get it I guess.

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