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Apr 25, 2023
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Rockwall, TX
Yesterday, I went to Contact Us | Remington and make a request for them to start producing #10 caps again. Maybe with enough requests they'll get off their kiester and begin making them available. Here was my request:

It's been nearly a year since I saw Remington #10 caps on a store shelf. Online searches indicates that neither dealers nor distributors have ANY Remington #10 percussion caps in stock. The only folks claiming to were disreputable folks attempting to defraud Remington customers of their hard earned money.

There are truly thousands of shooters in organizations like SASS, NSSA MLRA along with other percussion enthusiasts that are yearning for Remington #10 caps to be back in the supply line. Remington is daily losing market share to what many of these folks consider to be an inferior product. While CCI & RWS produce a fine cap, neither has the range of usability of the Remington #10 with its longer body length.

Surely Remington could set aside a couple of days and produce a couple million #10 caps to enter the supply chain. They would be a very welcome relief to thousands of percussion enthusiasts, who, possibly like me, are hoarding their remaining Remington #10s for the bigger events, using less well regarded products for practice or general plinking. Forums are literally full of discussions, lamenting the absence of this product.

It might be an automated response, but... maybe... just maybe... word will get to the production folks that they're dropping the ball with enough input. Here's what Remington had to say:

Thank you for reaching out to Remington Ammunition. We appreciate your business, your brand loyalty, and your patience.

The team here is working hard to meet demand and ship dealer orders as soon as possible. We’ve hired additional staff, purchased new equipment, and are constantly improving to get your ammo out the door faster and onto local dealer’s shelves.

Customer service is not given access to production and manufacturing schedules to update you on release dates.

Thank you,

eCommerce – Customer Service Representative
I'm with you there buddy. #11's would be nice too. I think I got the last tin of Remington #11's in the CONUS. Paid just a grunt north of $17 after the governor got his cut. I made the change to slixshots on my revolvers because I got into C&B guns late.
Pessimism gets us nowhere. Sitting on our thumbs gets us nowhere. Being patient is noble and all... but, it doesn't put #10 caps on store shelves. I have no expectations that even a thousand messages to Remington will require their rethinking their long term production schedules... But without a beginning, there is no end. I'd like to think we've already suffered the beginning of the drought of #10s, and with a little encouragement, maybe we're nearing the end.
Good on you for at least trying.

Last June while on a road trip I bought a few tins of Remington caps at a sporting goods store in KY. The cost was more than I wanted to pay at about $10.00 per tin but I was getting low.

Last week I purchased some CCI #11 caps at the local WalMart for $5.60 per tin. However, I had to get a manager involved to get it done.

Personally, I have not been able to notice any difference between Remington and CCI caps.

With that said, I've always been a fan of Remington.

It is to my belief that, if a person thinks they may need anything in this world today, it would behoove them to get it while they can. Between the breakdown in the supply chain, lack of product, fragile economic situation, apathy of shipping companies, and the extreme political environment that has taken over this world, I do not believe it will get much better, if at all.
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I'm with you there buddy. #11's would be nice too. I think I got the last tin of Remington #11's in the CONUS. Paid just a grunt north of $17 after the governor got his cut. I made the change to slixshots on my revolvers because I got into C&B guns late.
They're hanging on fully-stocked pegs in local stores here in NE Wisconsin. $10 a tin.
The Remington Company recently went through a re-organization where different parts were sold to new owners. Good to know they're still making Caps! It's an old name in the gun business and I hope they're around for another 100 years! Who knows what our society will look like then...the changes are so dramatic and quick, the Country may be un-recognizable by then.
Pessimism gets us nowhere. Sitting on our thumbs gets us nowhere. Being patient is noble and all... but, it doesn't put #10 caps on store shelves. I have no expectations that even a thousand messages to Remington will require their rethinking their long term production schedules... But without a beginning, there is no end. I'd like to think we've already suffered the beginning of the drought of #10s, and with a little encouragement, maybe we're nearing the end.
You're speaking as if Remington doesn't know there's a #10 cap shortage.

Of course, they know. And of course, they don't care. And writing letters will have zero impact on them. Regardless of how many are written.

If they cared, they'd fire up the machinery. Then every shelf in America would be flooded with cases of #10 caps.

Not even Winston Chruchill himself can bail us out of this one.

"This isn't the end. This isn't even the beginning of the end. But it may very well be the end of the beginning".
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There is another choice for percussion caps beside Remington and CCI. RWS makes percussion caps in musket and 1075 size. IMHO, RWS caps are a bit hotter and they are a compromise between #10 and #11. Find them if you can. It's good to have options. Just like powder, there are differences.
The Remington Company recently went through a re-organization where different parts were sold to new owners. Good to know they're still making Caps! It's an old name in the gun business and I hope they're around for another 100 years! Who knows what our society will look like then...the changes are so dramatic and quick, the Country may be un-recognizable by then.
As society "progresses" the pace of change grows faster.
I also called Remington about a month ago. The lady I spoke to said they are working on it and will definitely be producing percussion caps.
She said their first problem was getting the raw materials to produce them. Then once they got the materials, they ran into machinery issues she said that was in the process of being corrected.
They are too busy being forced to make ammo for the endless wars.
Every civilian maker is forced to make 80% for the gobermint, and 20% for We the people
They're probably happy to be 'forced' to take government contracts for huge amounts of money! Not to mention the billions of rounds of ammo abandoned in Afstupidstan by Biden along with thousands of full-auto weaponry.
The Remington Company recently went through a re-organization where different parts were sold to new owners. Good to know they're still making Caps! It's an old name in the gun business and I hope they're around for another 100 years! Who knows what our society will look like then...the changes are so dramatic and quick, the Country may be un-recognizable by then.
Many parts of this country are fast becoming unrecognizable.
Its common knowledge, look it up, all over the net. Been a sore note since 2012-14 when Barry ordered 1.44 million rounds for every alphabet organization in DC

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