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Far too many hunters and firearms owners simply do not vote. Why? Look at the effort that the left puts in to "get out the vote."

Sadly, many people vote with emotion rather than logic. The media is not on the side of the right or even the truth for that matter.

Here is a great example. Earlier this month in Fairfax County, Virginia women were being assaulted on a jogging trail. One of those attacks was by a half-naked man. Fortunately, the victim got away. It received daily coverage and updates from the local media. When they caught the perp, it came out that:

1. He was here illegally.

2. He had been deported three (3) previous times.

3. He was wanted in NYC for the same activities.

You guessed it. The media squashed it, and the story went away.

The women running for re-election to Congress in my district is running non-stop ads criticizing her Republican opponent for saying that women can't get pregnant due to rape and she is "too extreme for Virginia." She also claims that her opponent supports a nationwide ban on abortion. The Republican candidate is a former law enforcement officer, married with a family.

Never mind that violent crime is happening and rising daily. Never mind through the roof inflation, gas and food prices, and an out-of-control border. That's not important right now. What is important is that Republicans want to take away women's rights and bring us back to the 1950's.

Who do you think will win? People vote with emotion over logic.
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Far too many hunters and firearms owners simply do not vote. Why? Look at the effort that the left puts in to "get out the vote."

Sadly, many people vote with emotion rather than logic. The media is not on the side of the right or even the truth for that matter.

Here is a great example. Earlier this month in Fairfax County, Virginia women were being assaulted on a jogging trail. One of those attacks was by a half-naked man. Fortunately, the victim got away. It received daily coverage and updates from the local media. When they caught the perp, it came out that:

1. He was here illegally.

2. He had been deported three (3) previous times.

3. He was wanted in NYC for the same activities.

You guessed it. The media squashed it, and the story went away.

The women running for re-election to Congress in my district is running non-stop ads criticizing her Republican opponent for saying that women can't get pregnant due to rape. The Republican candidate is a former law enforcement officer, married with a family.

Who do you think will win? People vote with emotion over logic.
The left constantly preaches 'get out the vote' because a large percentage of the masses in big cities don't bother to vote except in Presidential years. In Philly, for instance, it's not unusual for only about 30% of voters to turn out, if that. The current climate is pretty heated up, though, so it remains to be seen for November.
Yes, since their culture provided them with a leg up in that game. How are you at living in a cave, eating dried goat once a day, wearing the same clothes for weeks, and not having any medical supplies etc. ? Comparing this country to any where else is an act of futility. Americans are used to a specific type of life style that does not match well with prolonged guerilla warfare. IMHO
In old. I'll be dead relatively soon. Let all the dummies live in New Venezuela... Guess what? I don't fly the US flag anymore, I'm not really proud of this country anymore. Whether it's folks who voted for Biden or the afghan debacle or riots or the sham January 6 trials... This country is devolving. "Pay off my debts for me" "why is rent so high? I can't buy a house"

I actually know a guy (who makes crazy money) who says we need to live in communal housing and drive e-cars out use mass transit. I pointed out to him that most of us live in the country and there is none of that. He thinks we should move. I drive a truck... How will you fools get all your yuppie food and soy products (or the mail that I haul -- it doesn't go by train, it goes by big trucks).

We need to defund all higher education and probably the now-biased FBI.
The left constantly preaches 'get out the vote' because a large percentage of the masses in big cities don't bother to vote except in Presidential years. In Philly, for instance, it's not unusual for only about 30% of voters to turn out, if that. The current climate is pretty heated up, though, so it remains to be seen for November.
The best thing for philthadelphia would be a neutron bomb. A true hole of fecal material.
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A bad person can do much damage with a common pump or semi-auto shotgun. If there were no AR types, anything could be used to commit mayhem.
Yes, any number of firearms can cause havoc! However, it is disingenuous and a lie to say the AR is not a derivative of the M16/M4 platform and a weapon designed for war. The AR is a semi auto version of the Military's platform, period. Its a fact. I own a few of them. That does not mean I lie about what they are and what they were designed for. You can build an AR pistol or buy one. It folds to a very short size, still carries a 30 rd or larger magazine, and can cause all sorts of damage when used by a criminal or mentally ill individual. Really needed for those times when enraged ground squirrels attack! When we kid ourselves, we are no better than the other side when they tell their lies! IMHO
The left constantly preaches 'get out the vote' because a large percentage of the masses in big cities don't bother to vote except in Presidential years. In Philly, for instance, it's not unusual for only about 30% of voters to turn out, if that. The current climate is pretty heated up, though, so it remains to be seen for November.
Voter turn out is paramount and the Liberal Demorats have stronger playbook for getting the vote out than we do. Liberals are much more engaged i the process, which is one of the problems the GOP has!
Free best thing for philthadelphia would be a neutron bomb. A true hole of fecal material.
Most large cities are really two cities. The haves and the have nots. The haves are a minority, the have nots are the majority. Some of the haves vote Red, but many vote Blue. ALL of the have nots vote Bleu. That is why most cities are run by Liberal Demorats!
A bad person can do much damage with a common pump or semi-auto shotgun. If there were no AR types, anything could be used to commit mayhem.
Yes, any number of firearms can cause havoc! However, it is disingenuous and a lie to say the AR is not a derivative of the M16/M4 platform and a weapon designed for war. The AR is a semi auto version of the Military's platform, period. Its a fact. I own a few of them. That does not mean I lie about what they are and what they were designed for. You can build an AR pistol or buy one, it folds to a very short size, still carries a 30 rd or larger magazine, and can cause all sorts of damage when used by a criminal or mentally ill individual. Really needed for those times when enraged ground squirrels attack! When we kid ourselves, we are not better than the other side when they tell their lies! IMHO
A bad person can do much damage with a common pump or semi-auto shotgun. If there were no AR types, anything could be used to commit mayhem.

In old. I'll be dead relatively soon. Let all the dummies live in New Venezuela... Guess what? I don't fly the US flag anymore, I'm not really proud of this country anymore. Whether it's folks who voted for Biden or the afghan debacle or riots or the sham January 6 trials... This country is devolving. "Pay off my debts for me" "why is rent so high? I can't buy a house"

I actually know a guy (who makes crazy money) who says we need to live in communal housing and drive e-cars out use mass transit. I pointed out to him that most of us live in the country and there is none of that. He thinks we should move. I drive a truck... How will you fools get all your yuppie food and soy products (or the mail that I haul -- it doesn't go by train, it goes by big trucks).

We need to defund all higher education and probably the now-biased FBI.
well, i hope you dont leave us before your ready! Stay in the fight. It ain't over till its over!
Lots of dejection and I understand it. The people behind all this now control the mainstream media, the military and most of the federal goverment along with big pharma. They have big plans for themselves and everyone else. Unbelievably good for them and varying degrees of bad for the rest of humanity. They are 1%, the other 99% are divided and thats what they need to succeed in their plan. This is a worldwide event and the US democratic party leaders are just a part of their power. The United States stands alone in it's constitution with the second amendment. This is why the big push to disarm us. Gun control is a good label for disarming the general populace. They will control ALL the firearms and we do everything they dictate. This is what all this nonsensical BS that goes against everything most honest people believe in is being forced down our throats. But their talk is cheap. Their scared and when their plan unravels, as I believe it will they will have to pay the piper. Stay strong and hold on, it aint over by a long shot
Lots of dejection and I understand it. The people behind all this now control the mainstream media, the military and most of the federal goverment along with big pharma. They have big plans for themselves and everyone else. Unbelievably good for them and varying degrees of bad for the rest of humanity. They are 1%, the other 99% are divided and thats what they need to succeed in their plan. This is a worldwide event and the US democratic party leaders are just a part of their power. The United States stands alone in it's constitution with the second amendment. This is why the big push to disarm us. Gun control is a good label for disarming the general populace. They will control ALL the firearms and we do everything they dictate. This is what all this nonsensical BS that goes against everything most honest people believe in is being forced down our throats. But their talk is cheap. Their scared and when their plan unravels, as I believe it will they will have to pay the piper. Stay strong and hold on, it aint over by a long shot
You do have to wonder when the good citizens will finally say enough is enough. Kick the most docile dog enough times and it will eventually bite and fight back.
You do have to wonder when the good citizens will finally say enough is enough. Kick the most docile dog enough times and it will eventually bite and fight back.
I believe that nothin overt will happen. I believe that because it is a slow relatively quiet process taking place, mostly behind the scenes, that people lose interest and forget. It's like having a slow devastating cancer. It can takes years to get to a point that it kills you, but that entire time it is working slowly inexorably towards its goal!
Yes, any number of firearms can cause havoc! However, it is disingenuous and a lie to say the AR is not a derivative of the M16/M4 platform and a weapon designed for war. The AR is a semi auto version of the Military's platform, period. Its a fact. I
many civilian weapons are related to military weapons should we allow ALL TO BE BANNED
Remington 870
Mossberg 590
Benelli 1014
Saiga 12
Remington 700 .308 (trigger assemble used today in many USMC and Army current sniper systems)
Winchester 70 306
all black powder in flint and percussion based on pre 1865 models
( unmentionables only cited for examples) this is only a small list .A firearm (most civilian models listed) are used in and for war , to kill and defend, animal or human it is only a tool as is a bow and arrow .It's the human on the trigger that chooses what target is dispatched. You can ban the tool but the human will find another tool to complete the task so do we ban any weapon rocks ,rope ,cars? where should it end?
many civilian weapons are related to military weapons should we allow ALL TO BE BANNED
Remington 870
Mossberg 590
Benelli 1014
Saiga 12
Remington 700 .308 (trigger assemble used today in many USMC and Army current sniper systems)
Winchester 70 306
all black powder in flint and percussion based on pre 1865 models
( unmentionables only cited for examples) this is only a small list .A firearm (most civilian models listed) are used in and for war , to kill and defend, animal or human it is only a tool as is a bow and arrow .It's the human on the trigger that chooses what target is dispatched. You can ban the tool but the human will find another tool to complete the task so do we ban any weapon rocks ,rope ,cars? where should it end?
None of the firearms you list were originally designed as weapons of war. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. The M4 platform or M16 derived from the original Armalite AR10, was designed from the get go as a military weapon. Humans are very resourceful and will always find a way for good or evil. We do not have to make it easier for them.
I do not think the Taliban had a 2nd Amend? How will it make a difference? It is a law, like many other laws. Some will follow it, others won't. So, whether we have an actual law or not, will not prevent people from organizing and fighting against a tyrannical govt. It never has any where else in the world. It will indeed be a dark day, because it will mean that if the govt can change one Constitutional Amend., it can changes others. They will do it with votes, not bullets. That is the real sad truth , that people will actually allow it to happen and many will agree with it. (IMHO)
Then none of the amendments mean anything, or make any difference. They're just feel good words on paper?
well, i hope you dont leave us before your ready! Stay in the fight. It ain't over till its over!
There are millions of people wanting to leave numerous distressed countries and come to the US. How many millions are going to be walking in here with no border control? Are they checked for TB, criminal background, covid shots? Where does it all end? The entire population of Central America and any number of other states is going to wind up here eventually; it's simply a numbers game. And they'll all have a voting card, too, regardless of what the laws say. Call me a curmudgeon!
Then none of the amendments mean anything, or make any difference. They're just feel good words on paper?
It's kind of funny, the gov't. is so uptight about controlling full-auto modern arms, yet "we" left thousands of them in Afghan along with a life-time supply of ammo! All available to be sold on the black market.
None of the firearms you list were originally designed as weapons of war. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. The M4 platform or M16 derived from the original Armalite AR10, was designed from the get go as a military weapon. Humans are very resourceful and will always find a way for good or evil. We do not have to make it easier for them.
The latest estimate of number of AR-type AK-type rifles in the US is about 24 million. No one really knows.
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