Parker Hale Whitworth breech/ignition issues

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Bill S.

32 Cal
Dec 8, 2021
Reaction score
Dear All

I’ve always wanted a Parker Hale Whitworth, and was able to acquire one at a recent gun show. It shot reliably at first, but now I’m having ignition problems. After reviewing all I can find on the Whitworth patent breech and its complicated construction, I can only conclude that I have somehow flooded the second breech or area behind the powder chamber. I was cleaning it the same way I do my muskets, breech end down in a bucket of hot water and Dawn, making sure I can spray water out of the nipple/ clean out screw, etc. After failing to fire, I’m getting moisture and black powder slurry in the nipple. Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Do you think I need to heat the barrel and dry it out? Send to someone for complete disassembly of the breech? Ugh.



South Carolina
Much appreciated, Flint.
I’m guilty of over oiling my guns for storage. Prior to shooting I fold up a cleaning patch and put it on the nipple and ease the hammer down on it. I use carb cleaner or brake cleaner to wash out any oils. Spray it down the barrel, swish it around and dump it out. I do that a few times then set it muzzle down and wait for the cleaner to evaporate. Fire a few caps to eliminate anything remaining. Those cleaners aren’t good for the stock so keep it off of it. Alcohol works too but I find the carb/brake cleaner to work better.
Thank you TreeMan. I shot today, incorporating both of your advice. Results are better. I also think I may be suffering from a bit of damp powder, given weeks of rain. I will be upgrading my powder storage methods due to the humidity here in SC.
What is the difference between a “regular” Pedersoli Whitworth and the Mortiner?
I'm still learning, but the Whitworth looks more miltary to me that my Pedersoli.

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What is the difference between a “regular” Pedersoli Whitworth and the Mortiner?
The Mortimer is a sporting rifle also used for short range target shooting. 'Whitworth' associated with this rifle is the name of the competition that it is marketed for - MLAIC (World Governing Body) have names of their matches and the Whitworth match is fired at 100m. The Mortimer is not an hexagonally bored rifle.

The 'Pedersoli Whitworth' is however their version of a military target rifle that has Joseph Whitworth's characteristic hexagonal bore.
