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      Jam, if you go that route, use avocado oil. Much higher burn threshold. I use it for swiping always and no problems ever. Her Majesty...
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      Steve Wagner replied to the thread Ignition Woes.
      Jim, those like Ed C. telling you that you have some kind of flash channel constriction, sound like they are on the right track to me...
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      Steve Wagner reacted to Ed C.'s post in the thread Ignition Woes with Like Like.
      That is telling you that you have some sort of restriction or build up of crud in your breech plug or bolster. 3f may give better...
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      Steve Wagner reacted to Gtrubicon's post in the thread Ignition Woes with Like Like.
      Try putting a powder charge down the barrel as you normally would do, pull the nipple and see if you have any powder in your bolster.
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      Steve Wagner reacted to ETipp's post in the thread Ignition Woes with Like Like.
      I really do not know off of the top of my head, as to the proper size of hole in the nipple. I don’t have anything handy to measure mine...
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      Steve Wagner reacted to Notchy Bob's post in the thread “Judge” H.E. Resley Rifles. with Like Like.
      Wow! What a find! There was a feature article about Judge Resley in Muzzle Blasts many years ago. He was building big-bore...
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