Well, if it is like it is out here, everyone is bitching about the pigs, but when you ask them if you can hunt, you get the old "Hell no, we get a lot of money for hunting" song.
The pig may be off the protected list, but someone owns that land and you have to have permission to go on it, shoot on it, or retrieve an animal from it. I have a couple chicken$hi+ neighbors who will not let us retrieve a deer if it dies across the fence. We have to call the sheriff and have him come do a standby while we go across the fence and drag the deer back. If it isnt bitterly cold, by the time we get that done the meat has spoiled. It all stems from fueds between the old people back in the homestead days.
There are a lot of "fueding fences" in that area. Most of the originals in our area are Pennsylvania Dutch. They left Pennsylvania so they could pi$$ in each others shoes on new turf. They would stake out a homestead and then build their fence 10 feet INSIDE THE BOUNDARY, then file charges if the neighbor allowed his stock on their land OUTSIDE THE FENCE, thus forcing the other neighbor to have to construct a second fence on the boundary. Just to make an issue for the other person. I have never killed any of those dutchmen, but I continue with great joy to read their obituaries. (stolen from Clarance Darrow)