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Hawken Classic Location Cancelled by the St. Charles County Parks Department

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No, the County Parks run it.
St. Charles County is run by a bunch of lefty, RINO Republicans. I think half are "educators". I would tell you to go contact the County Council before you give up, but I'm not sure you would get any traction. I don't know anyone personally on the Council. If it was St. Charles City I think I could get this reversed by talking to the Mayor. Letting Rep. Jeanie Riddle know may be at least an option.
I think you misspelled indoctrinators.
The same thing happened here in SC some years ago. I believe it was in September the King's Mountain State Park hosted a weekend muzzle loading match held at the primitive life area. It was in a great historic location since the King's Mountain National Battlefield is next door. I attended one or two of the events and it was a fun shoot with tourists watching and asking questions. When representatives from the sponsoring club went to Columbia to meet with the state park personnel to form plans for the 25th annual shoot they were told it was being cancelled due to safety concerns. I had wondered how long they would let that continue with so many tourist around.
Scanned through this thread quickly, and it is disturbing. Likely the people in charge could not tell a muzzle loader from a machine gun. And they are sensitive to some peoples' antipathy towards any firearm. That said, the issue of liability is unmentioned, but it is an elephant in the room.

We live in a litigious nation. We mint more new lawyers every year than there are practicing lawyers in Japan. Should some bystander be accidentally shot at one of these events there would be a sh**storm in the local media, multiple lawsuits, and ended careers. The kind of prospect that would make a "public servant" bury his head in the sand and deny you.

Around here, horse farms now post signs about the "dangers" of being around horses. Surprised the local gun club has not done something similar.

I do think that a club may well be willing to host your event.
The same thing happened here in SC some years ago. I believe it was in September the King's Mountain State Park hosted a weekend muzzle loading match held at the primitive life area. It was in a great historic location since the King's Mountain National Battlefield is next door. I attended one or two of the events and it was a fun shoot with tourists watching and asking questions. When representatives from the sponsoring club went to Columbia to meet with the state park personnel to form plans for the 25th annual shoot they were told it was being cancelled due to safety concerns. I had wondered how long they would let that continue with so many tourist around.
Museum people are, for the most part, leftists and hate reenactors.
I got an email from Bob about the reason the Parks Dept. decided not to host the event next year.
Of the three reasons that to me seems pretty lame and one is rather unexplained but I think I know the answer to it.
1. someone disassembled a walking wheel at the Sappington house to make more room which the Dept. was supposed to have already done.
2. A few people slept in the Chapple because it had AC and the temps were above 100. OK, they probably shouldn't have done that but the Dept. could have locked the door in the evening.
3. Someone went into the gift shop wearing nothing more than a hunters shirt according to some part-time workers. I have a feeling this may be a simple misunderstanding of the dress of the period. I would bet money the person in question was wearing a breech clout which shows skin all the way to the hip.
Time maybe for an email campaign. Do not mention the cancellation, just how great the event was, the re enactors so real, facilities so wonderful on and on and cannot wait for the event again next year. The entire family had a wonderful time and everyone was so nice. See you next year!
Time maybe for an email campaign. Do not mention the cancellation, just how great the event was, the re enactors so real, facilities so wonderful on and on and cannot wait for the event again next year. The entire family had a wonderful time and everyone was so nice. See you next year!
And tell them how much money you spent in the area, at restaurants, maybe motels, anything else to show that the event brings money into the area.
It's mostly about the money.
Good luck to y'all.
We had a similar problem at San Jacinto, but the parks folks got it figured out, after we moved locations, had a great draw, and very few folks went to San Jac. Now we're back at San Jac, where the defeat of Santa Anna took place.
Heck, as part of a freedom of information act, ask em how much the park did in gift shop sales during the event. That revenue is now gone for them at a minimum.
But But are not the liberals the ones that claim the 2nd amendment only refers to muzzleloaders. So whats the problem? They are for preserving our rights arnt they. Protect the democracy as they say.
I know. For one example that people representing natives. In correct well documented dress and accouterments. Were deemed being inappropriate. No one associated with the running of Boone’s home is interested in portraying any factual history. This was a problem before the classic. A shame cause it is absolutely a great site. As far as grounds and building.
They don’t want a big controversy ! Let’s see, old white guys with guns, so they all must be racist……..we don’t want to be seen as SUPPORTING this kind of thing…..so….. GO AWAY!!