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time machine

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I think 1967 was the last good year - after that things started going to heck. I was 20 years old, the cars were fast, the girls were pretty, and there were no computers.
From 1965 on, the Navy had me using an IBM 360 computer regarding activities in our A-4 squadron. All data was entered on punch cards, and the machine would have a hard time fitting in the average living room.
Aboard the carrier, I enjoyed doing the cards - the computer room was kept between 60 and 65 degrees!
For those that mentioned the 50s and 60s = pre internet = those were good days to be young. So I would probably do okay going back to those days.
Yep, and no cell phones! We could actually take off on a fishing or hunting trip without even thinking about being out of contact with anyone. It was good to just disappear for days at a time in the woods or on the streams without nearly as many people around as there are now.
For those that mentioned the 50s and 60s = pre internet = those were good days to be young. So I would probably do okay going back to those days.
I think one of the things I miss the most from that Era is the music. You can't beat "pre-Beatles" music. Heck you could even dance to some of it.
I just got back from putting a set of tires on my wife's car. That's something I would not have had to do back then.
No, but you'd have to have your horse shoed or have you broken wagon wheel fixed. Different century different problems. :thumb:
I would just long enough to leave myself a note in a safe deposit box with instructions to buy as much Apple, AT&T, GE and Costco as I was able, one year after the IPO. Yes, it would be fun to be able to get back before things got all messed up with technology.
You forgot Dollar General
I wouldn't have much of an issue with living back in time before power, ac/heat etc. However my family not so much this past xmas the entire area was without water for 4 days. Meaning no flushing toilets. We literally had a porta potty on site due to a inground pool being put in. Having to walk outside 30 feet to use the porta potty was like a crime for them. Funny thing was the neighbors were all told they could use it as well. I could live the rest of my life without knowing the bathroom habits of my neighbors again.
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How many would give up all the things we have in this century and go back to around 1800 or so ,
somewhere thereabouts,
to stand in line and put our x in the ledger and shake Fremonts hand and with one hand and receive our rifle and kit with the other,
to give up electricity ,clean running water, toilets, our highways , our vehicles , all the food we get from the grocery stores, medical Care.

No more City council Members , no more county commissioners , no more TV,
no more monthly bills, no more politicians, no more political arguments,
No more traffic to navigate to go get food, no more fat mouths and liars.

Collecting and shooting antique and antique style muzzleloaders are a bit of an escape from the insane world we live in today.

But there are accounts of people who , while out one evening driving on the highway or out for a walk went through some fog and emerged in a different century, when the fog lifted they were returned to modern times.

There's an enormous number of missing people in this country and in the world,
it's likely that a lot of these people have tragically met with a bad end,
But I wonder if some of them went back in time, realized what had happened , Kept their cool, and just decided to avoid the fog and stay there instead of coming back to this place the rest of us hafto live in
We have a time machine now, at least one that can look back in time its called the Hubble telescope
I went to the store the other day and I forgot my little flip phone. I felt a little more free than usual. fo figure. I may leave it home more often when I go out.
I'm not referring to anyone as a sissy, it's just a name I call our modern folks (including myself). I feel we just dont have what it took back then. I don't think too many of today's "sissies' would have lasted too long back then. With our watered down immune systems there would be the potential for an death by an infection from even a minor scratch. Could our delicate systems handle the "wholesome" food minus the preservatives? A good example would be today's peanut allergy and how it was almost unheard of 50-60 years ago.Maybe We've gone soft?
Anyone who honestly believes that any legitimate doctor in the US would want to keep a patient sick in order to make money from that patient is a fool. Name one, or post a link, please.
I agree with your statement BUT, Big Pharma has NO interest in curing diabetes...Way, Way, Way too much money involved in the treatment of diabetes and in the treatment of its complications
Anyone who honestly believes that any legitimate doctor in the US would want to keep a patient sick in order to make money from that patient is a fool. Name one, or post a link, please.
I agree about docs however, Big Pharma has zero interest in curing diabetes. There is just way,way,way too much money to be made in the treatment of the disease as well as treatment of the many complications of diabetes.
Not to mention the gouging being done with insulin -- Inflation says Humalog Insulin should have increased in cost 86.3% since 1999 but in fact it has increased over 1000%. Same for other diabetes drugs and supplies (Page froze so ended up with 2 similar posts)
OK, so ALL of the pharmaceutical companies are in on it? I see...

I would just long enough to leave myself a note in a safe deposit box with instructions to buy as much Apple, AT&T, GE and Costco as I was able, one year after the IPO. Yes, it would be fun to be able to get back before things got all messed up with technology.
My ex BIL tried to convince me to buy Toyota stock way back in 1969 for $3.00 per share. If I had taken his advice and bought it then, just think of what it would be worth today.