That was hard to walk way form!!

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Nov 6, 2023
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Attended a gun show in Lima Ohio this weekend at the Allen County Fairgrounds. A guy in the NW building had a very clean looking Pendersoli sxs 12 ga. He came down to $350 but I no longer hunt or shoot trap so as tempting as it was I walked away. So if any of you are in the NW Ohio region and looking for a good SXS it will probably still be there tomorrow.
A thread for deals like this one would be nice. I priced two Renegade rifles this week for $450, one a 54 in really great shape and the other a 50 that needed a little work but not bad.
I have found that modern Gunshows are good places to buy traditional muzzleloaders because most of the people there don't want them.
It depends on the felon population in your area. I’ve seen prison tattooed morons pay up to $500 for a cap and ball revolver.
He said that he'd been trying to sell it @ $375 at at least three shows. I believe it was worth more that $350 but I think many people are overestimating what traditional ML are bring in cash money.
Majority of people just don’t want to deal with traditional Muzzleloaders in any form. “To much work “…. Hence why modern Muzzleloaders are more appealing 🙄🤦‍♂️
I have found that modern Gunshows are good places to buy traditional muzzleloaders because most of the people there don't want them.
Exactly !!! I couldn't sell one of my hand made from a plank ,N.W. trade guns for $300 at most modern gun shows ... The shows just dont seem to attract muzzleloader folks . Every once in awhile youll meet one at a modern gun show but they are rare as hens teeth ! Some times you can pick up some real deals on M/L firearms at the modern gun shows then take them somewhere else and clean house !
Attended a gun show in Lima Ohio this weekend at the Allen County Fairgrounds. A guy in the NW building had a very clean looking Pendersoli sxs 12 ga. He came down to $350 but I no longer hunt or shoot trap so as tempting as it was I walked away. So if any of you are in the NW Ohio region and looking for a good SXS it will probably still be there tomorrow.
I would have been there but I was out hunting during the Muzzloading season. I normally attend that very gun show every month, except during the rut, gun season and muzzleoading season. Those seasons ALWAYS fall on the gun show weekends.
Exactly !!! I couldn't sell one of my hand made from a plank ,N.W. trade guns for $300 at most modern gun shows ... The shows just dont seem to attract muzzleloader folks . Every once in awhile youll meet one at a modern gun show but they are rare as hens teeth ! Some times you can pick up some real deals on M/L firearms at the modern gun shows then take them somewhere else and clean house !
I do it all the time!! Especially T/C Hawken rifles 😁
I paid over $1,000 for the unfinished kit version of that a few months ago. I would have bought that at $350 just out of principal.

They are great guns, in my opinion.
I do it all the time!! Especially T/C Hawken rifles 😁
Very cool bud ! I bought a completed but rather rough , and poorly carved , Caywood probably a year ago . It sold for barely more than its worth it parts . I cleaned it up , refinished it and it really turned out nice ! Wish I'd kept it ! and then sold it to a nice feller in VA and he seems to really like it . Sometimes ... you really can find some deals !! I sure did nt expect to that day , even had to borrow the $ from a buddy ! LOL ... Never know
So I set up at a gun show sell afew things and keep an eye on any traditional muzzleloaders that are for sale. Sunday morning I go see what they will take. Last one I got was a TC Renegade 54 cal. I also picked up a 36 CVA Squirrel rifle last year. Under 200 for either.
We t to a show Saturday, found a like new Navy Arms bess $1000, an original Brunswick for $400 and a TC hawken 50 cal for $350.

Wanted the bess but not at that price. Looked new , all shiny and all. Thought it was an over polished indian copy.