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    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      Dug these.. digging holes for next year... I'm going to double the size of them I think so I can do some butterfly flowers or something...
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    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      it's 10' × 18'... I do have to fence it.. I was going to go with steel pole... Green thing Rabbit fence.. then run rope around a...
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    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      I started digging... I don't know. It's going OK. I'm thinking of bringing it out to where the shovel is.
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    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Another Balistol question.
      It's fine.. I ran out of Ballistol. You can run a windex to clean it out to.. I coated everything good.. the number 11 nipples I have...
    • Trigger
      Trigger reacted to WarDawg's post in the thread Another Balistol question with Like Like.
      I know we all got our own experiences and situations. I’m new to black powder. I am not new to firearms . I read so many times not to...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      did these for fun.. Beans and morning glory in the corners. Lettuce. Somthing Perennial flowers.. The beans I just started. There...
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    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      don't know how fast some things will grow.. here in there I used to use a window to start plants with a florescent.. that did OK. That...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      Lol he's not the only one.. They all buy them now all over. My aunt 92 started them from seed.. her garden is doing good.. she's the...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      I was thinking Harris seeds.. that's where I been searching. I'm going to need mostly tomatoes and peppers.. Just My uncle... he has...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Gardening ..again.
      Any good seed company recommendations? Vegetables.. maybe some flowers. Just thinking for next year.. I'm going to have my daughter...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread For the Thompson Center Folks..
      It's against the rules.. You speak for everyone. Because there's been a few deleted topics on the subjects..
    • Trigger
    • Trigger
      Trigger reacted to snakebit's post in the thread Gardening ..again with Like Like.
      Yaa. I can see where weeding a garden like that would be a full time job with overtime. I think you will be happy with the weed barrier...
    • Trigger
      Trigger replied to the thread Pattern.
      Tc new englander. Cylinder choke and turkey choke
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