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RevWar 3lb Cannon Progress

Muzzleloading Forum

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May 30, 2021
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New England
Hey all,

As had been discussed across a few different threads in this sub-forum I was on the hunt for an English Light 6, well due to issues with the barrel maker I steeled on a 3 pounder gun, the barrel from South Bend replicas was picked up new and unused from a fellow forum member who was just the right guy at the right time. And I am working with Trail Rock Ordnance to make the carriage for me. The carriage is of the Townsend Pattern. Steve down at TRO, who is been thus far a great guy to work with just sent me update with some photos and things are progressing quite nicely. I wanted to share it here. I'll have more to come in the future.

I am in the process of starting a new Rev War artillery group here in New England and this will be our first gun. While this particular cannon type is not exactly what I need for a totally historically accurate impression it will certainly get us started while I continue to hunt down a more appropriate cannon to add to the group.



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You're doing what I know I'll never be able to do.

As stated.....Pictures.

Well I can't take much credit there, I just financed this operation, Steve and his people are the true rockstars and craftsmen and women. I hope to have more photos to share! As soon as I do I'll post 'em up!
What unit shall you be, and what events do you think you'll attend?



We are going to portray Captain Jotham Drury's Co of Artillery in Knox's Regiment of Artillery '75-76. Super focused it would be after Bunker Hill through Princeton. But I anticipate having members in civilian kit and portray Gridley's during the Siege of Boston and Bunker Hill itself.

Ideally we would have a cannon other than a 3 pounder of this design, but I have yet to be able to find a replica cannon suitable for this impression, ie. earlier English or French iron gun etc.
What unit shall you be, and what events do you think you'll attend?


To answer the second half of your question, initially local Massachusetts/New England events, as we get trained up and hopefully build a good name for ourselves, I would like to get on board with the BAR and CL as we *hopefully* grow and attend the bigger events that will be coming during the 250th.
Will the wheels have the proper spokes or be the wagon wheels everyone else tends to use? Ive started the thought process for a french rev war 8in howitzer
Hey all,

As had been discussed across a few different threads in this sub-forum I was on the hunt for an English Light 6, well due to issues with the barrel maker I steeled on a 3 pounder gun, the barrel from South Bend replicas was picked up new and unused from a fellow forum member who was just the right guy at the right time. And I am working with Trail Rock Ordnance to make the carriage for me. The carriage is of the Townsend Pattern. Steve down at TRO, who is been thus far a great guy to work with just sent me update with some photos and things are progressing quite nicely. I wanted to share it here. I'll have more to come in the future.

I am in the process of starting a new Rev War artillery group here in New England and this will be our first gun. While this particular cannon type is not exactly what I need for a totally historically accurate impression it will certainly get us started while I continue to hunt down a more appropriate cannon to add to the group.

Maybe this place can make what you really want?