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Percussion cap question

Muzzleloading Forum

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32 Cal
Jul 17, 2023
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United States
I am still relatively new to muzzleloading and have not shot my tc hawken yet, the only place that sells percussion caps near me is bass pro and they only sell CCI reenactment musket caps, because of this I have already purchased a musket nipple from track of the wolf. So my question is will the reenactment caps work for shooting my muzzleloader or should I look for other ones? Another concern is powder, I was planning on using pyrodex as it is the only thing available near me but now I am wondering if it will work with the reenactment caps?


  • 4WING-CCI.jpg
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Pyrodex will not work with flintlocks because flint does not throw a hot enough spark to ignite a substitute powder. A very few types of percussion guns have the same issue. Such as Sharps rifles where the flash channel is not straight but goes through 2 right angles.

But other then that, Pyrodex will work well. With Sharps they say it will work if using magnum caps.
Grafs sells CCI musket caps but also European musket caps which are better for real guns. And they sell really good #11 caps called 1075 (regular 11) and 1075+ (magnum 11).
But they charge one hazmat fee for each order. They also sell real black powder (lots of choices).

P.S. there are other online stores selling real black powder now too. There is no longer a shortage.
One thing you will want to check when using a musket nipple in your Hawken is to see if the hammer nose will hit squarely on the musket cap. You may have to tweak the hammer nose or shim the hammer to get a square hit. Worse case scenario would be bending the hammer to fit, but i would try to avoid that if possible.
I believe the musket cap nipple has a larger thread, if so you will have to drill and tap the hole to install it I wouldn't modify the TC Hawken like that. The musket cap is larger in diameter were the hammer strikes so it would have to be modified. Search for RWS 1075 caps, they are available and will fit the TC nipple.
I believe the musket cap nipple has a larger thread, if so you will have to drill and tap the hole to install it I wouldn't modify the TC Hawken like that. The musket cap is larger in diameter were the hammer strikes so it would have to be modified. Search for RWS 1075 caps, they are available and will fit the TC nipple.
The one I purchased was for a TC Hawken so the threads fit fine, it also looks to me like the hammer is striking the center of the nipple.
The one I purchased was for a TC Hawken so the threads fit fine, it also looks to me like the hammer is striking the center of the nipple.
I go through thousands of musket caps a year in competition and practice and will not use CCI for any reason.

CCI musket caps are marginal at best and suited to reenactment blanks. As for using with Pyrodex, good luck. It is well documented that Pyrodex is harder to ignite than regular black powder so any weakening of the ignition process is going to be a problem.
I go through thousands of musket caps a year in competition and practice and will not use CCI for any reason.

CCI musket caps are marginal at best and suited to reenactment blanks. As for using with Pyrodex, good luck. It is well documented that Pyrodex is harder to ignite than regular black powder so any weakening of the ignition process is going to be a problem.
What brand do you use?
I believe the musket cap nipple has a larger thread, if so you will have to drill and tap the hole to install it I wouldn't modify the TC Hawken like that. The musket cap is larger in diameter were the hammer strikes so it would have to be modified. Search for RWS 1075 caps, they are available and will fit the TC nipple.
Where on earth did you hear musket cap nipples have larger threads? Wait, I know, the internet.
Is midwest reloads a good site to purchase from? Also is it better to buy in bulk or should I get a smaller pack first?
Back Creek Gun Shop in Winchester VA.

Don't bother in anything other than 1k quantities. Either cap will work well.