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It's 2023, there's 340 million people in this country, we lead the world in mass shooting with 2 a day. Now I'm as pro gun as anyone, but the thought of selling full auto weapons to just anyone that walks in scares the ---- out of me, and it should you. A few laws aren't gonna hurt you.
The problem is only the law abiding obey those laws. Criminals, by definition, do not. And the addled live in their own world where maybe the law exists and maybe it doesn't.
It's 2023, there's 340 million people in this country, we lead the world in mass shooting with 2 a day. Now I'm as pro gun as anyone, but the thought of selling full auto weapons to just anyone that walks in scares the ---- out of me, and it should you. A few laws aren't gonna hurt you.
Mr. Kirk is either here to make waves or has no clue about gun laws in the US.

This thread form the start of it. It started in 2010 for those that did not read it from the beginning. Has been about prices and inflation on the price of black powder guns and supplies. I enjoy our fellow experienced members talking about the good times of the past. When the US had pride and hard working people that built this county.

How does one thread go from reminiscing of the early parts of there life. To gun control and mass shooting.

This is my opinion.
In 1960 I bought a 1917 Colt .45 cal. service revolver for just over $20.00 delivered by the mailman. In 1997 or 8 I bought a one oz. gold Kreugerand for $350.00. Nowadays the revolver would sell for about $500.00 I think, and I bought a one oz. gold coin two months ago and it was a shade under $1900.00. It's the value of our money, it's steadily going down.
Mr. Kirk is either here to make waves or has no clue about gun laws in the US.

This thread form the start of it. It started in 2010 for those that did not read it from the beginning. Has been about prices and inflation on the price of black powder guns and supplies. I enjoy our fellow experienced members talking about the good times of the past. When the US had pride and hard working people that built this county.

How does one thread go from reminiscing of the early parts of there life. To gun control and mass shooting.
Huh? Maybe you missed the posts right above mine? I wasn't the one that brought it up, I was merely pointing out that I know people I wouldn't trust with a pointy stick, much less being able to order a Thompson without a background check. You can have and do almost anything in this country, stop pretending you are in someway oppressed. Now let's end the law stuff, and get back to prices please.
Well, inflation has been dropping since June of 22, and I've been watching with interest as the prices of some things fall while some don't. Computer parts dropped with the decline of Bitcoin, building materials dropped with the rise in interest rates (thankfully), & oil has somewhat stabilized at a reasonable price as domestic production has fully recovered from the covid shutdown. Steel is down, copper is still up but it's around the same price it was in 2011, I doubt it will drop much considering it's importance in electrical systems. Egg prices are dropping as new layers are replacing the dead birds. All in all I'd say things are looking pretty good in the US, we're in better shape than most of the world, and once Ukraine finishes teaching Putin a lesson things will improve more, esp for Europe and Africa.

So what I'm saying is, BE HAPPY. ;)
as has the cost of everything else.
It's called inflation some times it catches you in between mouth fulls
"Support your local sheriff".
To get a more accurate idea of values of goods,

I think we are far from happy times at the moment.
I have seen a marked increase in interest on black powder single shot pistols and revolvers on auction sites over the last year and consequently the selling prices are higher. Doesn't mean there aren't good deals still out there. You just have to look more often or get lucky. I was at a Cabelas near me two weeks ago and they had a steel frame Pietta 1851 for $269 plus tax. The 1860 Army was $339 or there abouts.
I saw a local vendor yesterday. He is having to do increased paperwork to import replica pistols, the euro countries have implemented the UN Small Arms Treaty, (2014) & increased the regulation of the manufacturing of all GUN PARTS. That means increased regulations & redtape, increasing the cost. He can no longer ship pats or complete guns to democratically held states. The future of gun control is going to impact muzzleloaders, the evidence is availability of ALL parts & components. If you can't make it, grow it, or skin it, stock up on it...
Yes, diminished respect. Government becoming too overbearing. Arming alphabet organizations that don't need to be armed and giving armaments to a country that we shouldn't be arming. When you arm a country you are basically at war with it's adversary. Biden is a fool doing what he's told by a cabal hiding in the background. Why would I respect a foolish government seemingly doing it's best to ruin this country?
Yes, diminished respect. Government becoming too overbearing. Arming alphabet organizations that don't need to be armed and giving armaments to a country that we shouldn't be arming. When you arm a country you are basically at war with it's adversary. Biden is a fool doing what he's told by a cabal hiding in the background. Why would I respect a foolish government seemingly doing it's best to ruin this country?
Used to be our money was backed by gold. Now it's backed by "the full faith and credit" of a government we have a diminished respect for. No wonder there is inflation (IE-cheap money).
It's 2023, there's 340 million people in this country, we lead the world in mass shooting with 2 a day. Now I'm as pro gun as anyone, but the thought of selling full auto weapons to just anyone that walks in scares the ---- out of me, and it should you. A few laws aren't gonna hurt you.
We already have a few gun laws. In fact we have more than a few gun laws. We have a mountain of gun laws, and more gun laws are being proposed. These laws are unconstitutional, and these gun laws are not making our society safer. In fact, our society is getting sicker and more dangerous to anyone willing to look.

So yes, a few (more) gun laws (in addition to the thousands of existing gum laws) are indeed going to hurt all of us.
Yep. Gas at 25 to 28 cts. gal., min. wage about $1.25.
why does minimum wage always brought in to discussions like this? nobody buys hobby stuff like guns fishing gear motorcycles bows etc on minimum wage. all that buying comes when making much higher wages
why does minimum wage always brought in to discussions like this? nobody buys hobby stuff like guns fishing gear motorcycles bows etc on minimum wage. all that buying comes when making much higher wages

I disagree. A lot of younger people working at entry level jobs, while living at home have a lot of disposable income, even while making relatively little money. That was true for me, anyway.
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Huh? Maybe you missed the posts right above mine? I wasn't the one that brought it up, I was merely pointing out that I know people I wouldn't trust with a pointy stick, much less being able to order a Thompson without a background check. You can have and do almost anything in this country, stop pretending you are in someway oppressed. Now let's end the law stuff, and get back to prices please.

Private Kirk, you were the one who changed the subject. You dropped a bomb, and folks responded. Now you see how foolish you look, so you want to change the subject again.
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Private Kirk, you were the one who changed the subject. You dropped a bomb, and folks respodended. Now you see how foolish you look, so you want to change the subject again.
No. I wasn't, and I didn't drop any bombs, I merely stated facts. If the truth hurts you maybe the problem isn't other people, but the guy in the mirror. I dropped the subject only to get back to people crying about prices. You're the one that has issues with a civilized society having laws, they don't bother me because I'm not a spoiled brat that thinks being mildly inconvenienced is tyranny.
I love that this forum has an ignore function, bye.
Used to be our money was backed by gold. Now it's backed by "the full faith and credit" of a government we have a diminished respect for. No wonder there is inflation (IE-cheap money).
"Full Credit?" If I owed trillions of dollars I wouldn't be able to get ten bucks from a mob loan shark!!
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