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    • S
      It will work great until you get hacked. I now consider mailing a check or money order in an envelope to be more secure because of all...
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      Yesterday I heard from some neighbors about two different local small business owners that fired all their employees ( allwere under 40...
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      What’s the big secret about what the item is?
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      smoothshooter reacted to Jim K's post in the thread To Bounce or not to Bounce with Like Like.
      I never understood the bounce. I see Jake from “everything black powder” keeps pounding til the ramrod bounces half way out the barrel...
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      smoothshooter reacted to jd45's post in the thread To Bounce or not to Bounce with Like Like.
      It's always kinda nice to know the range to the target you shot. I have no idea why people leave that part out.
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      smoothshooter reacted to Juice Jaws's post in the thread where do i sell #11 caps? with Like Like.
      Why don't you do the right thing and just buy what you need and leave the rest for someone else who needs caps???
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      smoothshooter reacted to Hermit Tim's post in the thread where do i sell #11 caps? with Like Like.
      You're not one of those guys that cleans them out at Walmart and then jacks the price, are ya?
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread Convenient grease.
      You can make better lube than you can buy.
    • S
      smoothshooter replied to the thread 1858 truck gun..
      Mine happen to be VERY accurate with the wads. No mess either. I make my own lube by blending heated cooking oil and beeswax.
    • S
      smoothshooter replied to the thread Militia Fowlers?.
      In a way I can understand why a volunteer or militia member called up would show up without a gun even if they owned one or more at...
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread Militia Fowlers?.
      Not hard to believe at all. The Rebels and even Loyal Militia needed men and guns. No regimental commander would turn down a volunteer...
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread 1858 truck gun..
      After Robert E. Lee’s death in 1870 someone in the family or close friend decided to fire off the loads in his Navy Colt. Every shot...
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread 1858 truck gun..
      Drying the chambers with any kind of alcohol is a good practice. I don’t believe in using grease on the chamber mouths and prefer to...
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread 1858 truck gun..
      At times he was pretty busy being a city Marshal every day and a gambler and chasing tail most of the night. Winter days and nights in...
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      smoothshooter replied to the thread 1858 truck gun..
      I would imagine Hickok knew enough about percussion guns to know that a good cleaning, AND DRYING THE INSIDE OF THE CHAMBERS AND NIPPLES...
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