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Enough is Enough

Muzzleloading Forum

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Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
From Cody Wyoming, now lives in Oakwood Illinois
I regret to announce that I will not actively engage in conversation from this time forth. I’ve noticed that posting anything lately is at one’s own risk of drumming up personal attack’s. We’ve always had our share of members who always seemed to strive on this unfortunate behavior. This was not always so though!

This forum had taught me so much in the beginning. I learned a wealth of information that was educational as well as inspiring. I call some here friend. Some I currently sit around the campfire with that I met right here! There was only a few members who liked to stir the pot and everyone knew who those few were. I personally excepted their rudeness and behavior and told myself that this is just them being them. Live and let live I told myself.

Lately though I’ve noticed newer members seeking advice or others trying to give constructive advice are being belittled by certain prima donna’s that will post anything for the sake of not being wrong.

With that being said, I regret to announce that this is indeed my last post.

God Bless.

Respectfully, Cowboy
Well, I hate to hear this.

Think about this....

Internet Personas

The personality on the internet may be far far from who that person really is.
In life things may be much much different.
Internet enemies, in life, may be the best of friends.
On the other hand, faithful net chums in real life may hate each other.
I had to think long and hard about my persona and if it really represents me.
Sometimes I can be a little sharp. Witty at times and often that can mean, I'm misunderstood. Also, I'm Southern so phrases and old time sayings I use have different meanings or are misunderstood by Northerners or other regions ... even countries.

There may be reasons why people do what they do.
Ignore .... maybe....try to understand. Maybe this is all they have? That in it's self my friend, is a sad situation.

I hate to see you leave but.... it's your call.
I agree, Cowboy, and sorry to see them driving you off.

As a new member, there are some few members here, maybe some "old cantankerouses" that just won't have anything to do with any whippersnappers and their shenanigans. I have been insulted and just recently called stupid on this board.

Fortunately, most here are great.
I certainly see your point, I myself have experienced the same here. I've left the forum for 6 months or longer so I wouldn't become bitter!
I know I've been misunderstood at times too, so I try to be patient with others as I hope they are with me.

I always come back though to see what's new here and to learn. I'll never forget a very strong lesson I learned while attending college. I was having a difficult time picking up a certain concept so I joined a study group to see if they could help. Within a week I was able to turn it around and achieved my goal. So the next time we were to get together to study I wasn't going to go, after all I didn't need the group any longer! And then God tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that just maybe I could help others in the group! And this is why I always have patience with new members here!
We are all in this brotherhood together regardless of our choice of weaponry or style of shooting and hunting! I heard this from mom many, many years ago and heard it often growing up "if you don't have anything good to say, keep your mouth shut" not realizing she was directing it at me! LOL

So my brother, take a break for a while and I hope yea come back to the campfire now and then!
Sad news for sure , every forum has its good and bad . Not being a regular here , just a drop in every once in a while but still I kind of get a feel for who is who , and you my friend , Cowboy are definitely in the good category . Hope you decide to come back some day , always enjoy your post . Your Amigo, RW
Ignore the bad, reap the good, it is like life. I use the native American approach if you are into idiocy you do not exist and I will not see you no matter what. R.C.
I'm sorry to see you go. We didn't interact personally often, but I always enjoyed reading your posts and contributions. You were always positive and provided value to the conversation.

I try hard to not let the grumpy old dudes bring me down. Maybe you should at least try that.

If it's so then good luck. And if you're ever at an event in Ohio please give me a shout.
I have put a few in the lead box, you should do the same. These old farts are know it all's and are hiding from their wifes at the keyboard and are too dumb to know the wife is sooo very happy they are not in her face).

There is a member that posts such a high average of negative horsesh_t that I started to respond each time. It seems to have helped. These folks should go camping ane for aboy 20 years and contemplate who they have become.

COWBOY! Come back. Lead box will solve all yer woes. I truly think I know more than these folks and have been tempted to leave myself. But there are soo many here that make my 46 years at this game seem like about 2 days that I stay.

FRIENDLY folks like you are needed here.

I believe the people here that have driven this fine man awy know who you are. STFU please
The lead box is very useful. I was going to leave at one time, some people just got to be too much, experts who are legends in their own mind. That's when I discovered the lead box. The one who had an issue with grits was especially annoying.

I never say I'm an expert, but I have about 39 years of experience. I do know there is more than one way to achieve the same result, not always "my way is the only way".

I hope Cowboy decides to return someday.
In the words of the Dalai Lama, "When you talk you are repeating what you already know,But when you listen you may learn something new".
I went to his E-Mail and sent a message,that way if he has left camp he will get the message anyway.
Sorry to hear about your decision to quit posting but it's your choice to make.

As with any large group of people, there are going to be some you really like and some you really dislike. That's the nature of things.

Dealing with the ones a person dislikes can be difficult.
Some choose to let the system help them ignore the ones they don't like. That's what our "lead box" tool is for.

Others choose to just ignore them without the help of some pre-made program.
That's not easy to do but if one just uses the old, "consider the source" mind-frame and forces themselves to skip over what old "whoever" said it can be done.

There are a very few on this forum I wish I could ignore but, being a moderator I have to read everyone's posts to make sure they are staying within the forum rules.

Speaking of staying in the rules, I have had to modify or delete some peoples comments and this is becoming more common.
This is making me rather unhappy. :(

There was a time when only Claude could banish members from the forum.
This has changed and now, moderators as well as the owner has the power to do this.

If banning someone is done, there is no appeal available so may I suggest to the ones who use the forum to attack or belittle other members, stop doing that.
My patience is running out and because I'm not your father I might not give the offender much or any warning.

Summing this up, I hope you decide to stay and you continue to post here.
You've been a valuable asset to the forum and we hate to lose people like you.
Okay, I might have gave the impression that I was leaving the forum all together. What I was getting at was I wasn’t gonna create a topic or post comment anymore. I surely gave the wrong impression and for that I truly apologize. What ever the case, it had nothing to do with anyone directlng inappropriate comments towards me personally but rather what I’ve been witnessing towards others.

I’ve been seeing a lot more of that going on around here lately. On a personal note I serve in a municipal capacity in our town and you quickly develop thick skin. I deal with our towns citizens on a daily basis. Can be very rewarding and at times very exhausting and difficult.

Anyway, this has always been the one place I could go to escape in the evening’s or down time during my day. I just wanted to get away from the negativity and be with people who share my same dreams and passion for Traditional Muzzleloading and the other aspects that it involves.

I’ve been fortunate enough to learn so much here! I used to get into long spills about everything the forum has to offer with the new members in the welcoming area but that soon became very tiresome and time consuming. I also realized that they’d find out for themselves anyway if it was for them or not?

I still have a big heart towards our newer members and as we all have, been in their shoes and asking the same sort of questions. It really depresses me when I see them mocked or attacked for simply asking a question that others may deem silly? We’ve all asked those same questions. We all started at the very beginning of our journey just like they are now doing!

I only ask that we be more patient, tolerant, and respectful towards each other’s questions and viewpoints when it comes to Traditional Muzzleloading and everything it intel’s on this forum.

I definitely had a weak moment and created this topic out of frustration. I hereby retract what I said about not posting or creating another topic ever again! I Love this forum and highly admire some of the members here. I just want to lift others up and not put down. I’m sure most here agree!

I appreciate the comments and friendship. I currently sit around the campfire with some of you and hopefully will be able to get to know others as well!

God Bless all of you and thank you!

Respectfully, Cowboy
You are right,, and I for one am guilty of those acts.
I could make excuse,, but instead shall take your words to heart and consider my responses more carefully when posting.
Yes we do.

We need people like Cowboy. People who are willing to help others, even if their questions are silly or have been asked 1000 times before.
We need to keep in mind that to the person who asks the question it isn't silly and they don't have any idea that the answer has been made before.
IMO, there is nothing wrong with a member not doing a search for his/her question and anyone who suggests there is something wrong with asking it just needs to keep their mouth shut and not make any comment at all.
Even implying that the person asking is dumb because they didn't take the time to "look it up on the search engine" is NOT acceptable here.

We don't need people who belittle, mock or attack anyone. This is supposed to be a friendly, family site. Let's keep it that way.

Yes I too get preturbed when a guy asks a question and the next post is "why dont you ask so-and so?"


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