Dixie Browning Solution?

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50 Cal.
Jan 20, 2021
Reaction score
Washougal, Wa.
Ok can I see some really good close up pictures? Also for those of you that tried this how do you like it?

Thanks, Ballshooter
Ok can I see some really good close up pictures? Also for those of you that tried this how do you like it?

Thanks, Ballshooter
Is it the kind that you heat the barrel first with a propane torch then sizzle it on? If it is, I've used it before and after about 3 coats, it turned out pretty good. I don't remember if mine was from Dixie, but I'd think they all would be close.
Back when Turner Kirkland ran DGW I ordered a bottle of their browning solution. I received an aspirin bottle of, what I believe then and still believe today, water. I thought it was pretty funny, pissed me off a bit, but funny none the less.
Back when Turner Kirkland ran DGW I ordered a bottle of their browning solution. I received an aspirin bottle of, what I believe then and still believe today, water. I thought it was pretty funny, ****** me off a bit, but funny none the less.
Reminds me of the story my mother used to tell me about her mom ordering "Sure Ant Killer" through the catalogue. When it came, it was two little blocks of wood with instructions that read, "Place ant on block A and hit with block B." Anytime after that when we received something that wasn't what it was cracked up to be, we referred to it as, "Sure Ant Killer."
I have not used that. I used Laurel mountain brown on my pistol barrel and it turned out very attractive to my eye. It is more of a “bumpy” finish even with good carding and frequent very thin coats. Looks more like a natural browning to me.
I've used Dixie Browning Solution on two out of three of my builds. I was very pleased with the results. I used LMF browning solution on one. Again, I was pleased with the results. As far as which one is better? Six of one & a half dozen of the other. Humidity, barrel filing and grit of sand paper used to prep the barrel makes a big difference in how fast & how aggressive the solutions work. Just my OP.
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Back when Turner Kirkland ran DGW I ordered a bottle of their browning solution. I received an aspirin bottle of, what I believe then and still believe today, water. I thought it was pretty funny, ****** me off a bit, but funny none the less.
Just for the sake of asking, did you try to use it? Yes, it does look like water but . . . it has worked well for me.
Yes I did pooch, it beaded up somewhat like water, had absolutely no smell and I could find nothing it reacted on that made me think it was anything but water.
Yes I did pooch, it beaded up somewhat like water, had absolutely no smell and I could find nothing it reacted on that made me think it was anything but water.
Wow! Sorry to hear that. Luckily my experience has been different. I hope that you let them know about it . . . In an aggressive sort of way.
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Reminds me of the story my mother used to tell me about her mom ordering "Sure Ant Killer" through the catalogue. When it came, it was two little blocks of wood with instructions that read, "Place ant on block A and hit with block B." Anytime after that when we received something that wasn't what it was cracked up to be, we referred to it as, "Sure Ant Killer."
Hmmm. It was my uncle, about 12 years old, who originally advertised and sold those. Grandad finally caught on and made him stop. Would you like me to reimburse you? ;) Polecat
Hmmm. It was my uncle, about 12 years old, who originally advertised and sold those. Grandad finally caught on and made him stop. Would you like me to reimburse you? ;) Polecat
Lets see, 50 cents back in the 1930's or 40's times interest, depression hard times and inflation? Just send me one of your black powder revolvers and we'll be square!!
I recently used DGW Cold Browning on my Verner stock rifle barrel and am using it on my new Kibler build. I can't speak for anyomne else, but my experience and opinion is that it's excellent. I steel-wool and wipe with Acetone before brushing it on. It starts to work in hours. I also just did a barrel in two days in my shop where it's not well heated. No problems at all. Got a deep brown finish. With my Kibler, I am rubbing most off to get the more antique, grey metal look.
Here are some close-ups on my Verner with the GDW cold browned barrel.


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I just checked their site....looks like can't ship to Canada. Must be some sort of dangerous goods thing. I am looking for something where I don't have to cook my rifle in the oven to patch this little spot....brown Sharpie marker might be last resort, or a drop of water and let that little spot rust....haha kidding.

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