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2024 cap update, bad and the bad

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I watched that video, and i disagree with one thing he said. Ethan said if you were in Walmart and saw some caps, to just buy a few tins, and leave the rest for some other fellas. Well, that is a nice gesture, and it is exactly what I did last fall. I got plenty of caps, so I just got 3 tins for $5.62, leaving 17 on the hook. Not 30 secinds later, a low grade poltroon that I recognize from his table at the local gun shows, swoops in and takes all the remaining caps. Saw him in December selling those caps for $35 per 100. I should have bought them all and gave them away, and that is exactly what i will do next time. Buy caps when you can, and pass them out to your muzzleloading friends. If you don't, those scurvy buzzards are surely going to, and they will sell them for 700% mark-up.
I watched that video, and i disagree with one thing he said. Ethan said if you were in Walmart and saw some caps, to just buy a few tins, and leave the rest for some other fellas. Well, that is a nice gesture, and it is exactly what I did last fall. I got plenty of caps, so I just got 3 tins for $5.62, leaving 17 on the hook. Not 30 secinds later, a low grade poltroon that I recognize from his table at the local gun shows, swoops in and takes all the remaining caps. Saw him in December selling those caps for $35 per 100. I should have bought them all and gave them away, and that is exactly what i will do next time. Buy caps when you can, and pass them out to your muzzleloading friends. If you don't, those scurvy buzzards are surely going to, and they will sell them for 700% mark-up.
Good point, always bad apples out to ruin it for others.
Unfortunately, due to several factors, cap finding has turned into a dog eat dog situation. I was able to find caps last fall at two different locations. A small sporting goods store and Walmart. I got what I needed and left a few for others. But obviously, some folks don’t see it that way.

Therefore, I plan on getting a cap making kit and getting after it. Might take a while to perfect it, but at least I’ll be trying.

I figure that with the caps I already have, I can use those for hunting and sight in, then use the homemade caps after cleaning, I should have enough to do me for a minute.

However, I’ll always be on the lookout for caps.
I watched that video, and i disagree with one thing he said. Ethan said if you were in Walmart and saw some caps, to just buy a few tins, and leave the rest for some other fellas. Well, that is a nice gesture, and it is exactly what I did last fall. I got plenty of caps, so I just got 3 tins for $5.62, leaving 17 on the hook. Not 30 secinds later, a low grade poltroon that I recognize from his table at the local gun shows, swoops in and takes all the remaining caps. Saw him in December selling those caps for $35 per 100. I should have bought them all and gave them away, and that is exactly what i will do next time. Buy caps when you can, and pass them out to your muzzleloading friends. If you don't, those scurvy buzzards are surely going to, and they will sell them for 700% mark-up.
Not happening if you buy a flint lock !!/Ed
True, but at times flints can be hard to get and aren't getting any cheaper. Traditional muzzle loading in general is a constant supply struggle, from powder to caps, to lead.
Indeed. Also, for this ole boy, I do want a flintlock for an occasional squirrel rifle but I want to stick with percussion caps for big game rifles.

Everybody to their own thang.
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I watched about the first half of the video, and figured I had seen enough. It was becoming redundant, and of the emphasis (that I saw) was on CCI. What about Remington and Winchester, right here in the USA, and RWS and Scheutzen imports? I know Ethan has been in regular contact with CCI, but they are only part of the story. I would like more information concerning the other cap makers.

Flintlocks are a good way to continue shooting muzzleloaders in times of cap shortages. However, it wasn’t so long ago that we had a blackpowder shortage, and flintlocks don’t do well with substitutes, while the cap shooters could carry on. Shortages like these put a realistic crimp in our enjoyment of the hobby, and we are all in this together. I don’t think any of us can really afford to be smug.

I thought @PastorB was spot on. You try to do the right thing, but there are so many people who don’t. As a friend told me years ago, “Shooters are their own worst enemies.”

Notchy Bob
I watched about the first half of the video, and figured I had seen enough. It was becoming redundant, and of the emphasis (that I saw) was on CCI. What about Remington and Winchester, right here in the USA, and RWS and Scheutzen imports? I know Ethan has been in regular contact with CCI, but they are only part of the story. I would like more information concerning the other cap makers.

Flintlocks are a good way to continue shooting muzzleloaders in times of cap shortages. However, it wasn’t so long ago that we had a blackpowder shortage, and flintlocks don’t do well with substitutes, while the cap shooters could carry on. Shortages like these put a realistic crimp in our enjoyment of the hobby, and we are all in this together. I don’t think any of us can really afford to be smug.

I thought @PastorB was spot on. You try to do the right thing, but there are so many people who don’t. As a friend told me years ago, “Shooters are their own worst enemies.”

Notchy Bob
Agree. But Ethan did talk a little about Remington.
"should have bought them all and gave them away,"

During the"Obama will outlaw muzzleloaders" panic" i did that. Bought oodles of #11 caps from a former wholesaler who a who had millions. My price was $2.99/100. Never charged any sneedy smoke pole shooter/hunter for #11 caps. Still have enough caps to outlast me.
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Good grief. Now I know why I always regret wasting my time with you-tube. Speculating about speculation regarding what someone heard about the current speculation. To avoid such speculation, I recently took some of my leftover Covid money and bought several lifetimes worth of 1075's and musket caps. Enough caps to wear out my entire percussion collection and then some. Done looking for caps. Period.
After not seeing "caps" used in rifles that load from the wrong end for nearly a year, in the space of one week I score 13,000 ( 6k CCI and 7k Winchester) @ $89/1000.
I'm good for a while.
Also have 5,500 #11s and 1k muskets.
True, but at times flints can be hard to get and aren't getting any cheaper. Traditional muzzle loading in general is a constant supply struggle, from powder to caps, to lead.
On the bright side, we aren't in 3' of snow with no prospects of a warm bed or bath for several more months and we didn't just risk our lives for 9 months trapping beaver only to find out the pelts will bring less than half what they brought last year. Not to mention we still have to pay off our stake from the trapping company that is raising prices on flints, caps, powder, and lead while paying us less and less for risking our lives.
I watched about the first half of the video, and figured I had seen enough. It was becoming redundant, and of the emphasis (that I saw) was on CCI. What about Remington and Winchester, right here in the USA, and RWS and Scheutzen imports? I know Ethan has been in regular contact with CCI, but they are only part of the story. I would like more information concerning the other cap makers.

Flintlocks are a good way to continue shooting muzzleloaders in times of cap shortages. However, it wasn’t so long ago that we had a blackpowder shortage, and flintlocks don’t do well with substitutes, while the cap shooters could carry on. Shortages like these put a realistic crimp in our enjoyment of the hobby, and we are all in this together. I don’t think any of us can really afford to be smug.

I thought @PastorB was spot on. You try to do the right thing, but there are so many people who don’t. As a friend told me years ago, “Shooters are their own worst enemies.”

Notchy Bob
I believe Winchester caps are made by CCI for Winchester.