Where/how can I get a cheap powder horn? I can DIY most of it, I’m not picky.

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32 Cal
Apr 16, 2024
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It’s my first powder horn. I need one for my muzzle loader rifle. I’d like to get a polished horn that I can add a powder measure spout thing instead of just a plug. Track or the wold has a spout that I would probably buy to add to whatever horn I end up with. But a lot of the horns are different sizes and some are super expensive. I’m just needing something affordable. I can alway upgrade the horn later and transfer the TOTW spout. But are there any recommendations for getting an affordable made one that works good enough. Or where can I order a good enough polished horn that I can add a TOTW’s spout and cap too. I’d prefer a little longer one than a stubby horn. And I’m left handed so if the horn curves I’d like it to curve to my body carried by a lefty. Any recommendations would be awesome. I think CVA sells one for like $30 bucks I might have to get. I’d be pouring the powder into an actual powder measure, then powder measure to barrel. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It’s my first powder horn. I need one for my muzzle loader rifle. I’d like to get a polished horn that I can add a powder measure spout thing instead of just a plug. Track or the wold has a spout that I would probably buy to add to whatever horn I end up with. But a lot of the horns are different sizes and some are super expensive. I’m just needing something affordable. I can alway upgrade the horn later and transfer the TOTW spout. But are there any recommendations for getting an affordable made one that works good enough. Or where can I order a good enough polished horn that I can add a TOTW’s spout and cap too. I’d prefer a little longer one than a stubby horn. And I’m left handed so if the horn curves I’d like it to curve to my body carried by a lefty. Any recommendations would be awesome. I think CVA sells one for like $30 bucks I might have to get. I’d be pouring the powder into an actual powder measure, then powder measure to barrel. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I still use the one I got from CVA, over 40 years ago. Check out ebay for used ones or Amazon if you want new.
Btw, I'm a lefty also, I always carry my horn on my right side.
Here, @Asron87, is my horn that I added a pouring spout to the tip.


Pictured with my pouch and accessories is a simple horn with the plug. The tip has been reduced to be easy to put into a powder measure. I use the horn with the plug for the events that require loading from the pouch and more or less require historical correctness.

Awesome. Thanks guys. And yeah I hoping to find a horn cheaper than the spout. I can always upgrade the horn later if needed. I’ll check out everything mentioned. All the comments were very helpful. Thank you.
It’s my first powder horn. I need one for my muzzle loader rifle. I’d like to get a polished horn that I can add a powder measure spout thing instead of just a plug. ..., Any help is greatly appreciated.

So IF you want to end up with this, and measure the powder as it comes from the horn, and then dump that charge into your rifle... PLEASE DON'T

Powder Horn with MEASURE.JPG

IF you want to pour the powder into a fixed measure, aka a "charger" or into an adjustable measure, and then pour that into your rifle or smoothbore, that's fine.

The reason being, that IF by some odd chance, after you fired, there was a smoldering piece of ash left in the barrel, and you then poured powder down, and the powder went up, the flame would go up into your powder spout-measure, leaving only that brass valve between you and the whole horn going💥 BANG 💥.

Which is why most ranges and shooting events do not allow you to load directly into the barrel from the tip of the horn.

Here, @Asron87, is my horn that I added a pouring spout to the tip.

View attachment 315056

Pictured with my pouch and accessories is a simple horn with the plug. The tip has been reduced to be easy to put into a powder measure. I use the horn with the plug for the events that require loading from the pouch and more or less require historical correctness.

View attachment 315057
Beautiful horn and pouch!
That's why I like the valve with the pouring shout. I agree fully with @Loyalist Dave.

Thanks @KCordrayEmig. The plain horn was purchased from Dixie Gun Works a long time ago for about $10 if I remember correctly. I used that horn for many years before I made the horn with the pouring spout.

I have seen reasonably priced horns at some rendezvous for $20 or less. blanket traders often have very good deals.
What’s a pouring spot compared to… other spouts? I’m new here, sorry. I want my horn to specifically pour into an adjustable powder measure only. The amounts needed will always vary. Thank you for your guys help. I really appreciate it.
@Asron87, the photo below is a horn fitted with a valve with a pouring spout. The spout will fit in most of the 1/2" adjustable or fixed measures. The valve cuts off the flow of powder when the measure is filled.

Pouring Valve.jpg

The present horn valve with spout offered by Track of the Wolf is threaded onto the valve. Mine is fixed on the valve. The threaded ones can have a tube attached to the valve that can be filled with a volume measure of powder. The small tube next to the brass flask is a measure of about 18 grains of powder and has been used to load my revolver. It is not to be used to measure powder to be directly poured down the barrel. Now I measure from a horn or flask into a detached measure. The powder from the measure is then transferred to the barrel. The other small horn flask is a priming flask or a small day flask. Yes, a separate measure is used to move powder from the small flask to the rifle.
@Asron87, the photo below is a horn fitted with a valve with a pouring spout. The spout will fit in most of the 1/2" adjustable or fixed measures. The valve cuts off the flow of powder when the measure is filled.

The present horn valve with spout offered by Track of the Wolf is threaded onto the valve. Mine is fixed on the valve. The threaded ones can have a tube attached to the valve that can be filled with a volume measure of powder. The small tube next to the brass flask is a measure of about 18 grains of powder and has been used to load my revolver. It is not to be used to measure powder to be directly poured down the barrel. Now I measure from a horn or flask into a detached measure. The powder from the measure is then transferred to the barrel. The other small horn flask is a priming flask or a small day flask. Yes, a separate measure is used to move powder from the small flask to the rifle.
View attachment 315290

I love the look of that priming flask (extreme right). How is the spout held onto the horn? Is it inserted into a wood end plug or drilled into the horn itself?

Beautiful color too.
@Crown_Pointer, there's a brass cap that the spout is permanently attached. I'm not sure how the spout is permanently fastened to the lid. Brass band are formed from the lids. The valve is soldered to the spout.


On Woods Walks where I am restricted from priming the King's Musket from the cartridge, this is a handy horn to prime the pan.
Thanks for the beautiful PICs. Seeing it from the end my guess is the brass spout tube is soldered around its periphery to the copper end but likely also inset into the "bone hole" inside. It appears the copper end is additionally tacked to the "bone end" (3 places).

It's my hope someday to make a horn like this but with steel (iron) ends. I've seen them (Brian Anderson's) with forged levers that also act as the closing spring. I've only seen them from the side though and couldn't figure out how, being steel, the sides & spout were attached to the end. I've also been inspired by Torbjörn Åhman (a master) making a candle snuffer. It only takes a bit of imagination to see how those 18th century techniques could be applied to a powder horn's iron spout with forged lever;

Your pictures have given me some great ideas and I thank you for that!
It’s my first powder horn. I need one for my muzzle loader rifle. I’d like to get a polished horn that I can add a powder measure spout thing instead of just a plug. Track or the wold has a spout that I would probably buy to add to whatever horn I end up with. But a lot of the horns are different sizes and some are super expensive. I’m just needing something affordable. I can alway upgrade the horn later and transfer the TOTW spout. But are there any recommendations for getting an affordable made one that works good enough. Or where can I order a good enough polished horn that I can add a TOTW’s spout and cap too. I’d prefer a little longer one than a stubby horn. And I’m left handed so if the horn curves I’d like it to curve to my body carried by a lefty. Any recommendations would be awesome. I think CVA sells one for like $30 bucks I might have to get. I’d be pouring the powder into an actual powder measure, then powder measure to barrel. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Go to a slaughter house they might have a horn to suit you itle come with the inner horn you will have to boil it out in an old tin outside down wind of nierbours! .I once got a few from a Spanish bull ring Franco,s Spain the kids got them to play bull fighters .Might just be cheaper to buy one all clean .Run it by the Honourable Company of Horners. They are bound to know the price of horns
.Rudyard's suggestion