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The Rifle Shoppe

Muzzleloading Forum

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May 24, 2005
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Hello ALL. Just thought I would pass along my most recent experience with TRS. I've ordered from them many times over the last many years and have always been satisfied with their products. Of course, their customer service can vary greatly as many of you know. It's not bad, it's just often well, non-existent so to say. LOL. So, the story:
Late last year I purchased from a local fellow Forum member a TRS #776, Spanish Light Military Escopeta kit. Everything was there except the stock. Including a TRS assembled lock, that functioned well. I didn't need another Spanish long gun, but with the assembled lock, I couldn't pass it up. So, I thought all I needed to do was order the pre-carved stock (only) from TRS and find someone to assemble it.
So, I called TRS and ordered the stock over the phone. Since TRS (supposedly) does their stock carving in-house now I asked about how long it might be for shipping. To my surprise they mentioned it would be 2-3 weeks to ship.
After a month went by I sent an email just requesting an update. I received an email back saying their stock carver was a "little" behind. But they were cutting stocks the following week and it shouldn't be more than a couple more weeks. I said no problem, I'm good with that. Delays happen. So at this time it's been about 6-8 weeks since ordering. So then, weeks and months went by and still no stock. After many un-returned phone calls and emails, and one fax, still no response. By now I was running out of ideas as to how to get in touch with TRS without having to drive to OKC and renting a car and visiting. LOL So at the middle of last week I sent them a cordial, respectful letter by regular First Class Mail. In the letter I was reminding them of what I was told when first ordering and that by now 7 MONTHS has gone by and I just needed an update of some kind. They would have received my letter by early this week. Well, I now know they at least open their mail. LOL Just this morning, Friday (their ship day) I received an email that the stock is being shipped. YAY !!!!

Moral of the story: If it's not "in-stock", be prepared to wait. Often much longer than you are told or anticipate. Now, I just pray the stock gets here in one piece and everything is cut correctly and fits.

Well in stock doesn't always work either several years ago I ordered a bayonet casting and asked if they had it in stock the lady went found it and said she had it in her hand 6 weeks went by and I called and asked where the bayonet was and was told that she couldn't remember what she did with it but would try to locate it finally it arrived
I have a few orders that have taken more than 18 months to get to me, and one thats current sent to me in piecemeal, waiting on the barrel. They eventually filll their orders, its just a matter of when.

the major issue with the rifle shoppe though is their assembled locks, they just don’t have enough people to assemble them all, I‘d imagine at some point they’ll stop assembling the locks and just sell the parts as castings. This makes sense from a cost perspective.
I have several parts that were only a couple weeks out that I've been waiting on for several months. I am also waiting on parts that were 'in stock'. I have also had some things show up pretty quickly. So, you takes your chances, I guess.
Hello ALL. Here's an UPDATE:

Well, the stock finally arrived. On Labor Day !! of all days. LOL Here are some pics....

My first impression is the stock cutting in some areas seem to be a bit crude compared to other (non-TRS) stocks for various guns you see today. But the barrel channel, ramrod hole and groove, and lock inlet looks like they will work out OK. The trigger guard inlet looks to be a somewhat half-hearted attempt. And maybe it's good they didn't finish it. Of course, the builder will let me know, and I'll be praying. LOL But at first inspection, it looks like it will all come together.

As a side note: The only other item on my order besides the stock were 2 as-cast, un-threaded top screws for an unrelated project. These were missing. The invoice with the shipment only shows the extra cost for the shipping. So, I'll start over again sending an email, then phone calls, and maybe another letter. Apparently, no one checks the orders for completeness before shipping (?). And I already paid for the top screws. Wish me luck. LOL

Anyway, the Kit is now complete and ready for a builder. There is a builder that is very experienced with Spanish guns of this type. He even built one for me I posted on the Forum a couple years ago. I hope I can talk him into assembling this one for me. If not, I'll have to go searching. Any recommendations ?

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UPDATE: Turns out the two top screws were securely taped in bubble wrap on the inside of the box along with the original invoice. I should have opened the other end of the box. LOL. My error on the top screws. I stand corrected.

Rick, the only builder I know with real experience with these types of rifles is Dale Nincehelser (Deep Creek Longrifles).
Thanks Bruce for that info. Not aware of Dale. I'm going to first ask Brian Anderson since he already made another Spanish gun for me a couple years ago. Brian has a lot of experience building Escopedas. But I hear he is busy with other wheellock stuff lately. So thanks again for the lead.

Welcome to the 'rarified air' of the TRS parts builders (chuckle)!
LOL. Isn't that the truth. A fellow Forum member mentioned that by now, I could have had the stock made from a blank. LOL True enough. At the time, I was thinking that the pre-carve (assuming it was done correctly) would save the builder some considerable time. Even though TRS had originally mentioned 2-3 weeks to ship, based on past experience, I was prepared for a 2-3 month wait. But I wasn't prepared for a 7 month wait. And I'm not done waiting yet !! (See next Post)

Forward to

Jim in La Luz
Thanks Jim.

Actually, I spoke a bit early. At the same time I ordered the stock from TRS, I ordered an extra barrel direct from Colerain since they made the original barrel profile for this kit. Since the barrel is held to the stock with bands (versus pins) I could have interchangeable barrels in both .69 smooth bore and .62 rifled.
I just realized I've also been waiting 7 months to get this barrel. I originally spoke to Colerain on the phone when ordering. He mentioned that he does indeen still have the profile for this barrel, but it might be a "while" before he can make it. And I would assume the barrel profile for this Spanish kit is not high on the list compared to other barrel styles. (I once order a Colerain barrel from TOTW. What they call the 1710 Dutch Musket barrel. Took 1 full year to the month to reach me).

So, here's my dilemma: Do I send this kit with the smooth bore barrel only to the builder to get started on ? Or do I wait for the second barrel to arrive ?


Maybe I should post this question to the Gun Builders Forum ?
Thanks Jim.

Actually, I spoke a bit early. At the same time I ordered the stock from TRS, I ordered an extra barrel direct from Colerain since they made the original barrel profile for this kit. Since the barrel is held to the stock with bands (versus pins) I could have interchangeable barrels in both .69 smooth bore and .62 rifled.
I just realized I've also been waiting 7 months to get this barrel. I originally spoke to Colerain on the phone when ordering. He mentioned that he does indeen still have the profile for this barrel, but it might be a "while" before he can make it. And I would assume the barrel profile for this Spanish kit is not high on the list compared to other barrel styles. (I once order a Colerain barrel from TOTW. What they call the 1710 Dutch Musket barrel. Took 1 full year to the month to reach me).

So, here's my dilemma: Do I send this kit with the smooth bore barrel only to the builder to get started on ? Or do I wait for the second barrel to arrive ?


Maybe I should post this question to the Gun Builders Forum ?
I've built three 1710 Dutch muskets going back in the 90's. I believe Lepley did those stocks back then for TRS, Colerain did the barrels, and L. Day & son's built my Dutch locks. Now, even back then, it was a forgone conclusion that approx. 1 yr. would elapse before I had everything in hand to get started. Customers always got a serious 'head's up' on how long this was really going to take and not a one balked, to their credit. When going the route of making an oddball, specialized, 'off the beaten path' gun a very special type of persistance is key. Good, bad, or indifferent, it just goes with that territory. Hang in there, you're in familiar company. Cheers, Fred
After reading these stories, I've decided I'm just going to forget about my matchlock kit entirely. So one day I'll hopefully get a surprise package at my door, and then it'll hit me that it's the kit I've been waiting forever for. I'm not going to bug them about it. That'll lead to a rushed job to get me off their back. I'll get it when I get it, and I'll be happy when I get it. .

I'm already 2 months in on a quoted 2 to 3 week wait, so heck what's another 18 month wait.
Re: TRS, I'll preface my comments with my personal experiences going back 25+ yrs. Jess and Jane are the genuinely nicest folks to ever come down the pike. Period. They are, and have always been over extended. Back in those days the universal lament from those seeking cast parts was "Stop building guns, Stop carving stocks, Stop building locks, Stop putting together kits, other folks do that, we'll figure it out, just get us those casting". All these yrs. later, as I dip my toe back into the waters, that lament still rings true. ' Sweethearts for sure. They just take on too much.