As I said. It is just a coffee measure with a hole through it made with a small nail about 1/16", and crudely attached to a dowel for a handle. The shot made isn't perfect, and I still get quite a few with tails, but it is improving, slowly. Definitely not a perfect system, and I wouldn't want to have to do this as a way to supply a large group, but for personal use and what I need #5/6 size shot for, it is fast enough and the patterns are perfectly fine. I just pick out the occasional larger globs and anything with a tail on it for remelting, and use the shot. I am guessing I get 80% shot per casting session and 20% with tails, globs, etc that needs to be remelted. Since this isn't a commercial operation of any sort, this meets my needs. The shot, at least most of it, isn't perfectly round, and a lot if not most of it has dimples, but it works and I haven't had to cancel a hunt in several years now because the local store was out of shot and couldn't get any for who knows how long .