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I am mad

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45 Cal.
May 29, 2005
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Or should I say I am very ****** off. I just found out Iowa DNR had an emergency meeting today to possibly allow all those in the shotgun season who did not fill their tags to hunt (if you call it that) for 3 days during late muzzleloader season, due to severe weather conditions. I tried calling a couple Iowa DNR numbers to complain but couldn't talk to a real person. I called the local game warden and he agreed with me. This is not right, it't like the Iowa DNR is guranteeing you fill your tag. I have hunted late season muzzleloader in years past when I did not fill my tag due to weather, they did not give me a second chance. The deer have been chased around here for 3 weekends now, (or will be after this coming weekend) enough is enough. Muzzleloader season is muzzleloader season, not shotgun season with a bunch of idiots chasing deer all over the place. I am seriously thinking if this goes through, I am not going to buy a late season muzzleloader tag. flinch
If theres a problem, I can see them allowing the use of the shotgun tag during that season and not make people purchase a separate muzzle loader tag but not the use of the shotguns themselves.
flinch, I'm with you on this :cursing: :cursing: . Now we can either duck bullets from every drunken shotgunner [thats why I've never shotgun hunted] or stay home. If I was garenteed a deer for every tag, it wouldn't be called hunting, it would be called going to the store. If the DNR wants to extend their season, then put it at the end of the other seasons, in January.
I just wish there was someone in the DNR I could vent to, maybe even a real person. To me, this is not right. I tolerate the shotgun seasons, I will not go rabbit, squirrel, or pheasant hunting during shotgun season, you should see how they deer hunt around here. I think 3 weeks is enough, now they want to give the shotgunners who did not fill their tags 3 more days (including another weekend) of hunting. These guys don't care about hunting, have not shot their guns since last shotgun season, just want to get out and try to kill something after chasing it for miles, and the DNR is catering to them, DAMN. flinch
Looks to me like it comes down to politics and MONEY. Its 3 days taken away from my season. I have to hunt public land and if you don't think that's not a war zone. I did email the DNR [little good it will do] about what I thought of them and their special season.
All I hunt is public too. It is too bad the DNR doesn't look at the people who actually like to hunt and do things legal, and actually take pride in taking that one shot at a relaxed deer at 20 yards that has no idea your there. I actually think a lot of people consider that a strange way to hunt anymore. I am starting to calm down a bit now. On a different note, I work in a Ford dealership, had a guy come in last Saturday who was deer hunting and his 4WD did not work, had to fix it so he could get back to hunting, I did find it hard to keep my mouth shut while working on his truck, (he actually made a special trip to town just to get his 4 wheel drive fixed) this is the mentality of people the DNR caters to. flinch
Don't quite know what else to do about it. If you do go out one of thoughs 3 days, make sure you wear as much orange as you can get on. Once the shotgunners have moved on, just kick the beer cans out of the way and try to enjoy the rest of your hunt. Doc
flinch said:
Or should I say I am very ****** off. I just found out Iowa DNR had an emergency meeting today to possibly allow all those in the shotgun season who did not fill their tags to hunt (if you call it that) for 3 days during late muzzleloader season, due to severe weather conditions. I tried calling a couple Iowa DNR numbers to complain but couldn't talk to a real person. I called the local game warden and he agreed with me. This is not right, it't like the Iowa DNR is guranteeing you fill your tag. I have hunted late season muzzleloader in years past when I did not fill my tag due to weather, they did not give me a second chance. The deer have been chased around here for 3 weekends now, (or will be after this coming weekend) enough is enough. Muzzleloader season is muzzleloader season, not shotgun season with a bunch of idiots chasing deer all over the place. I am seriously thinking if this goes through, I am not going to buy a late season muzzleloader tag. flinch
OK...I'm gonna try and help a brother and give you a different twist to think about...just trying to help you salvage your season so don't shoot the messenger: :grin:

1) The region has been hit with a super-mega ice storm...and the impact is far greater than just you having had a couple bad weather days during some previous late season...33 people have already died from that storm...and most people are spending all their time trying to survive and help others...so they CAN'T go hunting even if they wanted to.

2) Don't cut off your nose to spite your face...buy your tag and go hunting...probably most of those others won't go hunting then anyway.

Besides...some extra hunters might push a B&C buck right in front of you, then you'll be posting the pics here for us to see !!
I agree. Most won't go hunting because they already made other plans. Or their domestic supervisor has already made other plans. You idea of tacking on extra days to hunt in January makes more sense, as it allows those hunters to make plans ahead of time to be able to hunt.

Deer hunting is about managing the size of the herd, not about the nobility of sport hunting. Those of us who use traditional bows and arrows, or ML rifles to kill deer are appreciated, but only to the extent that we actually kill deer. The Insurance companies in your state are Screaming about claims made for auto-deer collisions, as they are in every state. They contribute big bucks to the politicians to try to get the state deer hunting program to cut the size of the deer herd down to reduce auto accidents. They are the lobbyists that have all the clout. No gun club I know can write out a check in the 5 figure numbers the insurance companies regularly do to elect cooperative politicians.

So, take advantage of the fact that the few shotgun hunters who: a. hear about their extended season; and b. actually take advantage of it, will be pushing the big ones past your stand.
Swamp Rat said:
If theres a problem, I can see them allowing the use of the shotgun tag during that season and not make people purchase a separate muzzle loader tag but not the use of the shotguns themselves.

That wound make sense/be reasonable. But I agree to let them hunt with shotguns in the ML season is ridiculous. If they do that, then they might as well forget seasons and just let people hunt until their tags are filled. :shake: If the shotgun hunters had bad weather, well thems the breaks. Back when I used ot hunt deer a lot, we had one week to rifle hunt and lost lots of days - heck, some seasons if it was warm and rainy - due to bad weather. But, if I never filled my tag there were no "do overs".
Well, it passed, shotgun hunters with an unfilled tag will be able to hunt dec. 21,22,23 during late muzzleloader season. I was really ****** about it when I first heard the DNR was doing such a thing, pretty much got over it though. I still don't think it is right. It's called hunting, there is no gurantee the weather will be nice. I guess now that I think about it, probably won't make much of a difference as most of the late season muzzleloader hunters hunt the same as shotgun hunters, gotta push, drive and chase deer ya know. flinch
Just read the DNR allso extended late muzzleloader season to include jan. 11,12,13, I feel that is fair. flinch
I guess the thing to do is make the best of it and try to let them stir up the deer and hopefully put yourself in the right place I have worked it out around here but don't really know what your area is like for hunting.
I am with you on this one.
I feel the same way about inlines as being considered traditional.
What gets me is how Iowa wants deer to be taken yet its like an act of congress for an out of stater... So they are willing to let shotgun hunters to fill their tags during ML season, but for a person out of state its done by lottery and then if you are drawn the tag price is really pricey and only for one deer... I bird hunt out there every year, and always see some really nice bucks and some huge corn fed does :haha: But its not really worth all the :bull: to even try for a tag...
I don't know about most late season muzzleloader hunters. But this one does not push, driver or chase deer all over creation. If I have to do that, might as well buy a new 1187 with extended tube. On a better note it is good that the DNR did think about the muzzleloaders.
I feel your pain brother; there is talk about letting the !@#ine crowd into our primitive flintlock only season here in PA. I think that would be the end of my hunting in PA; Ohio is close by and they don't permit centerfires for deer hunting at all; bigger bucks as well.

There are those types of hunters here in PA; in fact most of my friends who flintlock; hunt that way. I don't want any part of it and hunt by myself for the most part; I don't like deer drives at all.