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Hoping to get some help

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32 Cal
Sep 22, 2023
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Not really knowledgeable on this type of firearm. Hoping to learn a little bit. Sadly I live in one of the worst states for firearms NJ. Things are SLOWLY getting better thanks to all the law suits and the SUPREME COURT, but governor bucktooth is using every tax dollar possible to fight it.

I'm more familiar with newer hand guns, rifles, shot guns. Been learning about them for the past 3 years. Never had the time or money to really get into the topic, but the lockdowns and riots forced me to be more active.
Not really knowledgeable on this type of firearm. Hoping to learn a little bit. Sadly I live in one of the worst states for firearms NJ. Things are SLOWLY getting better thanks to all the law suits and the SUPREME COURT, but governor bucktooth is using every tax dollar possible to fight it.

I'm more familiar with newer hand guns, rifles, shot guns. Been learning about them for the past 3 years. Never had the time or money to really get into the topic, but the lockdowns and riots forced me to be more active.
Welcome, you can get all the help you need in the various categories of the forum. Snd again welcome from Pa

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