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anybody from utah ???

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Any of you attend the Fort Buenaventura Buckskinner day? I'm going tomorrow for the first time
I was there too for a couple hours. Fort Buenaventura does a rendezvous every Easter weekend. Then there is Bear River in Evanston followed by Ft Bridger Labor Day weekend
In my younger days when I lived in Idaho Falls Idaho I was fortunate to participate in the first 3-4 rendezvous at Ft Bridger & a few in the Utah mountains along with fellow members of the Eagle Rock Longrifle & the Portneuf club, Great Times !!
relic shooter
What a wonderful part of the country.
Loved Utah, the Uintas, Flaming Gorge.
Was in SLC when I left in 1981.
Any of you attend the Fort Buenaventura Buckskinner day? I'm going tomorrow for the first time
I'm in Centerville Utah. I have been to the Turkey Shoot at Ft Buenaventura and won a turkey last year and am planning on going to the one this year also. I have not been to a Buckskinner Day but have been thinking about going. How was it for the first time?

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