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Ackerman Arms

Muzzleloading Forum

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Massachusttes : isn't their motto,Live free or move ???
But to answer SgtErv: never heard of them,,but then I haven't heard of a lot of other things either..
i used to buy from PHIL, at the GRAND ENCAMPEMENT from him after he won the lottery, he got a lot of ribbing about it! any one else remember that he won it?
Wondering if anyone has dealt with this gentleman before? What was your experience like? I'm hunting for a used Navy Arms 1763 Charleville and he specializes in used musket procurement, refurbishing (if needed) and reselling.
Are you dead set on a Navy Arms that is needed for reenacting? These usually stay in units and rarely come up for sale. I bought mine from our Col. who was a '76er...number 512 made. If time is an issue you might be better off getting the pedersoli. A little heavier but still a fine gun. Unless you don't have a timeframe. That being said, outside of units, Paul is the best place to get on a wait list.
Are you dead set on a Navy Arms that is needed for reenacting? These usually stay in units and rarely come up for sale. I bought mine from our Col. who was a '76er...number 512 made. If time is an issue you might be better off getting the pedersoli. A little heavier but still a fine gun. Unless you don't have a timeframe. That being said, outside of units, Paul is the best place to get on a wait list.
You do understand the o.p. posted this question in 2016, don't you?

YES Ackerman Arms helped me resurrect an old, beat up Japanese Bess. He's always scrounging for parts for military muskets and other out of manufacture factory muzzleloading guns.

NOW you may have to wait a bit for a reply. He travels a lot to different shows, and to auction houses where stuff is being sold to vend parts to folks who want to see the stuff first hand before they buy, and to obtain parts.

Does he ever update his website?
I always chew the fat with Paul at the NEACA gun shows here in Albany. He is located in Sharon Springs NY now. Phil was a good guy too. He and his bernese mountain dog were a staple at the Albany show.
Actually just spoke with Paul today at the gun show at the Polish Community Center. His shop is in Cherry Valley NY not Sharon Springs. The guy is a wealth of knowledge and has a ton of parts.
If your talking about Paul Ackermann, he is top notch and knows his stuff. I make sure to stop by and see him at the gun show in Saratoga, NY. He has put a flash guard on my Jaeger and worked to get a frozen screw out on a Pedersoli Bess lock for me (I would bugger it up bad). He knows his stuff and I would not hesitate to call or email if I had a question. He's good people.
Pvt. G. Wesley
3rd Tryon County Militia

I agree with the above.
However it did not appear that his website inventory or information has been updated for a couple of years the last time I checked.