36 caliber squirrel hunting

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32 Cal
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Hey guys! I’m looking for my first 36 caliber rifle to hunt squirrel,rabbit and other small game. How many of you fellas use one and what kind of distance are you shooting bushy tails? Thanks
Hey guys! I’m looking for my first 36 caliber rifle to hunt squirrel,rabbit and other small game. How many of you fellas use one and what kind of distance are you shooting bushy tails? Thanks

I know a lot of people like the 36cal Traditions Crockett rifle.

I myself am on the lookout for a 36cal Thompson/Center(TC) Cherokee

My state only allows 36caliber and under for small game hunting.

You might get more replies putting this in the hunting section btw
I have a 36 cal Cherokee. I can shoot clays on the berm a 50 yards with it. Honestly I haven’t shot it any further than that. It’s ridiculously accurate at 25.

I know a lot of people like the 36cal Traditions Crockett rifle.

I myself am on the lookout for a 36cal Thompson/Center(TC) Cherokee

My state only allows 36caliber and under for small game hunting.

You might get more replies putting this in the hunting section btw
There is a 36 Cherokee on gun broker now, 2 days left on auction it’s sitting just over 600. Very clean gun.
I generally use a .36 for squirrel hunting and early season coyotes once the leaves fall because the shots tend to be longer. My average distance to take squirrels after the leaves fall is about 35-40 yards. I once shot a squirrel off the top of a rock at a measured 65 yards. That was my longest shot on a squirrel with a BP gun.
I generally use a .36 for squirrel hunting and early season coyotes once the leaves fall because the shots tend to be longer. My average distance to take squirrels after the leaves fall is about 35-40 yards. I once shot a squirrel off the top of a rock at a measured 65 yards. That was my longest shot on a squirrel with a BP gun.
Does traditions Crocket come in .36? I thought .32 was the only offering.

YOu can get Santa Fe Hawkens in .36 over at Muzzle-loaders.com. They are basically the same gun that comes in .50 and .54, so the barrel is 15/16" across-the-flats. But the listed weight is only 7.6#s.

I don't know how they figure a 28"x15/16" barrel with a .36 caliber bore will result in a gun that is a full pound lighter than a gun with the same barrel but with a .54 bore. They both appear to have the same brass hardware.