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Poacher on the farm I lease...

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I bow to your wisdom on this one :bow: Booby traps do catch more than boobies. I do disagree with more "hands on" interventions. We are already talking about lawbreakers and they are armed. Physically sabotaging a vehicle opens the possiblity of a confrontation in which someone may be hurt. I'd be too angry to trust my rationality, leave it to law enforcement. Blocking exit routes and/or taking pictures I can go with.
That's very bad. In GE we have the same problems. These guys drive with jeeps around on the hunting grounds at night, light around and then shoot the deers especially roes and red deer. Most of the animals are sold to restaurants. 5 years ago my hunting ground neighbour was catched in Austria from members of law enforcement when he was poaching. He and another guy were using .38 lever action rifles with whistler. They had shot a big red deer buck, but the buck was only wounded and could escape. A few days later the Austrian professional hunters who manage the hunting ground saw the wounded buck, killed and gutted him. So they find the .38 bullet in the shoulder. The poacher was punished to pay a high fee, all guns were taken away, no more gun owning allowed, hunting licence gone for 10 years minimum. This guy would no more go hunting or posses a gun.
Hey roundball, :hatsoff:
Around here the problem with our patch of woods hasn't been poachers, but just the hunters not getting permission from we the land owners. I've had three this year and a couple last year that just walk in like they own the place. While the old ones seem to think the prevous owner (my father in law) is still alive and giving permission (he's been dead about nine years) :confused: , some even say they got his permission this year. And the young ones just don't seem to care. We've gotten to the point that we tell all that permission will be family only, as we have some young ones that will be out by themselves this year. It's sad, but the few that have actually called us have gotten major temper tantrums on the phone or to my face when I have said no. They definately won't get a welcome. Luckley we haven't had the poaching - that I know of.
Have a good one :thumbsup:
grumpy bear
Sorry to hear about the poacher(s). Jerks like that really tick me off!

I hope your GW catches them and takes their vehicle as well.

Y'all have good ideas on how to stop 'em from doin' it, but around here the problem is gettin' the judge to do more than fine 'em $50. I found 4 turkeys lyin' in a pile with just the breasts removed. Since we don't have a fall season, I took the Game Warden to the site. I told him who I suspected, and he said, "I've caught him and his daddy several times, the judge just keeps lettin' 'em go". :cursing:
Most judges are elected. Vote him out of office. And, in spite of what they say publicly, they don't like to be criticized in the Press. So write letters to the editor about the problem, and a soft on crime judge. Its up to the prosecutor tocomplain to the Administrative judge for his circuit, or district, to ask that these cases be assigned to someone else. They can rotate in another judge to hear certain cases. I don't know of too many prosecutors whose careers depend on the votes of a few poachers.

And, there are other ways, involving non-violence, that can be used. A dedicated group of honest hunters can make it obvious that they are watching these guys day and night, and following them, so that they can witness any time they poach again. Sometimes, that is the best thing a gun club can do for its neighbors. You will be surprised at the support that will come out of the woodwork for you if you simply show the law abiding people how to quietly send a message to the poachers. With cell phones, and walkie-talkies, there is always a way to communicate even in the woods and hills, if you have enough people involved. The Game Warden needs all the help and support he can get. Sometimes a good tracker can be his best asset, one who knows how to take pictures of tracks, or make castings, or both. People's boots or shoes develope unique wear patterns, and have accidental marks unique to that one shoe or boot.
I agree with you. So I'm serving as a police officer in Germany in cases of poaching it is necessary to involve the public. Normally poaching happens in rural areas. The public there is very sensible to strangers or when something outstanding happens. So involve them. Second try to convince the local police that it is necessary to catch the poachers, even when they have less number of officers.And finally give all cases of poaching to the local press.
Good Suggestion, Kirrmeister. Thieves hate public exposure. Oh, they like to see their names in the press when they are arrested, so they can brag to other jail inmates about what they were arrested for doing- an upsidedown world of status symbols- but they don't like every one knowing who they are and what they do when they get out. Poachers steal from us all. The wild game does not belong to the landowner on whose land it might inhabit, but to all the people. When someone takes game out of season, or without the required permits, or licenses, or takes more than the bag limit allows, or kills females when his permit or license only allows the taking of males, he STEALS from everyone. Doing so because " I was hungry " isn't much of an excuse, considering our liberal availability of public welfare, food stamps, and low unemployment rate.
It is the same in Kansas where my home place is. Kansas did enact a law though, you dont have to have the signs nailed up on every other fence post any more. Instead you paint a purple strip on so many posts to the half mile which is the side of a quarter section. Then if the game warden stops and checks anybody on that field, they better have DATED, WRITTEN PERMISSION signed by the land owner in their possession. Otherwise they go to town.
In Texas if you are caught trespassing with a firearm, it is a felony, which means prison time.
Along with prison time, you can no longer own a firearm nor buy a hunting license.

It has not brought religion to all, but it has saved a few!!

If you are caught hunting with an illegal animal/fish, not only do you pay a fine to the state, you get to pay a resitution for that animal to the state. If the animal is a Boone & Crockett white tail, you are looking at major money.

All along our fences and at each gate to our property are signs that read, "Warning" $1,000 dollar reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught tresspassing". The word anyone is underlined on the sign.

It works, our neighbors keep a close watch.

A friend of my father's (noted local doctor) pulled up to one of our gates, blocked it and went in squirrl hunting. When he came out he was met by the Game Warden, Sherrif and our neighbor. Luckily he did have permission to hunt, but had forgot his key to the gate at home. The neighor was rewarded with $500 for his efforts.

Naturally he told all of his friends and the word went out in the area.

There is a ranch in South Texas with signs around the perimeter fence that read, " Warning, perimeter patrolled by armed guards".

I do feel your plight, you have lost a deer that you cannot hunt and your "space" has been violated by an uncaring person.

You have to remember that poachers are criminals. They will not follow your verbal commands, for they will know your intent to turn them over to the law. Poachers ARE armed, maybe better than you! There is a good chance there are more than one. That places you out numbered and out gunned. If you find any illegal items in their vehicle, DO NOT touch. That will only put your prints on them and you'll have to prove they are not your's. I would write down the plate number and call the authority, disable the vehicle, if possible, take cover and observe. Above all, never go alone. This is just thoughts from an old retired cop. Spent over 31 years in the field.
I agree with you, being a Grman cop. But what else could be done when county police have not enough deputies for doing the job of law enforcement?
Hi Kirr,
I started my law enforcement years with the Bundesgrenzschutz and the Duetscher Zoll in Emmerich am Rhein. I was an Americam MP working plain clothes. Usually worked the Bahnhoff. As for your question, the cops here do get pretty thin in areas here. Sometimes citizens must take things in our own hands. The laws provid for this. I just don't want anyone getting in trouble with the law or get themself hurt.
Yes, the best advice is not to confront, threaten, etc...just get as much description as possible, leave quietly, and report it to authorites as soon as you're out of the immediate area.

The Game Warden called this morning, said they've been very busy using a "Robo-Deer" at places all over the state due to a lot of poaching going on...would try to get it scheduled soon in the fields on my lease, visible in the fields next to the road...where the poachers shot this one.
Hi cowpoke,

I'm serving in the former BGS, named Bundespolizei (Federal Police) since 01.07.2005. We are responsible for Boarder control, Security of railroad, stations and its passengers and security of airborne traffic at the big airports.Education is the same as in the state police for example Bavaria State Police. As Germany has no county police there are the same problems in rural areas with number of officers. It's very scarce. In the night shift only 3 policemen there. In bigger town like Munich, it is the other way arround. Many, many, many policemen.
Bountyhunter said:
It is the same in Kansas where my home place is. Kansas did enact a law though, you dont have to have the signs nailed up on every other fence post any more. Instead you paint a purple strip on so many posts to the half mile which is the side of a quarter section. Then if the game warden stops and checks anybody on that field, they better have DATED, WRITTEN PERMISSION signed by the land owner in their possession. Otherwise they go to town.

They do this in MO too, They say it's because so many can't read but they can do know their colors.
:cursing: did the same thing in michigan in 86"on land I own .300 H&H vs ford 4x4 guess who won???
I have 68 plus acres on the edge of the Daniel Boone Forest and I also have a problem with criminals.
They fish my pond,ride ATVs, hunt,tear down no hunting signs, and steal tree stands.I dont know how to deal with the problem just yet. Any suggestions? :cursing:
How to deal with locals, very carefully.

Locals know that most deer leasors/absent landowners are only on their land on the weekends.

I had friends that had a deer lease on "timber company" land in East Texas and there was a run in with the locals. Their camp was ruined during the week while they were gone.

Hard to fight the locals unless you have local help.

Could tell some stories, but most would not would be believed here. Really need to be creative to fight the locals and need some help from the local sheriff and game warden to accomplish what is needed. It can be done.

If you are not living there, pay someone who does live locally to watch the place, and give him hunting privileges for keep the property safe, and protected. Then find out from him who is doing all the damage. Let him suggest the best way to deal with them. Locals do this kind of thing when the prior owners was either a friend, or a relative of someone local who had given them permission to hunt, fish and use the land. When the new owners shuts them out, they get mad, and then get even. Get a recommendation from the local sheriff on who to hire to " manage " the property for you in your absense. It will be money well spent.