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Homemade powder test

Muzzleloading Forum

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The only problem I had with my homemade was that it didn't pour well through a spout, tended to clump up.
Apart from that it worked as well as commercial powder.
I prefer to use commercial because I'm lazy, but I now know I need never run out.
Where I live down here in New Zealand it was always hard (spelt Impossible) to get Black Powder, so I started making my own 30 something years ago. I bought a pound of FFFF for the flash pan not long before the Covid restrictions arrived, and it was $85. For about $85 I can make 75 Pounds give or take a pound or two. The homemade works as well as Commercial and I use it in the flash pan as well though got caught at a weak moment and bought the forementioned a pound.
The only problem I had with my homemade was that it didn't pour well through a spout, tended to clump up.
Apart from that it worked as well as commercial powder.
I prefer to use commercial because I'm lazy, but I now know I need never run out.
get a tube of graphite lube for locks and squirt a couple blasts of it in the can. shake it like you are churning butter.
will greatly increase the flowability.
I need to learn how to do this. I also need to get a flinter for when the cap shortage returns. Congratulations on your success!!!
Gentlemen, we do not discuss homemade black powder on this forum.
42: Members may not discuss the making of black powder or post links to web sites that offer instructions for making black powder.

The rule is how to make it. I see no where in this thread where it is a how to or where to find info. If this thread is in violation the mods will handle it. An option is to report the thread for mods review. Myself, I congratulate the OP, I am still trying to get confident with mine.
42: Members may not discuss the making of black powder or post links to web sites that offer instructions for making black powder.

The rule is how to make it. I see no where in this thread where it is a how to or where to find info. If this thread is in violation the mods will handle it. An option is to report the thread for mods review. Myself, I congratulate the OP, I am still trying to get confident with mine.
I was coming back here to do this lol it doesn't say we can't talk about homemade powder but we cannot discuss the process of making it or post links to such information. Since the only content here is discussing the actual useage of the powder I believe the op is In the clear.
I had little luck with mine that I made in the same method as a particular "Reproduction" guy's videos. I took videos of my 4f versus commercial, burning a 2gr charge, and the frame count showed mine burned at almost half the speed. Using my 2f or 3f for a main charge in my 40, it regularly burned through patches. It also had horrible velocity spreads, maybe from burning the patches, maybe from it being so fluffy that it's hard to compress consistently. I was able to get more shots in without stopping to clean than with Scuetzen though, like almost indefinite. So overall, I won't bother using it for priming, but for the main charge it's usable for woods walks or plinking, and I'm glad to at least have it available.
I had little luck with mine that I made in the same method as a particular "Reproduction" guy's videos. I took videos of my 4f versus commercial, burning a 2gr charge, and the frame count showed mine burned at almost half the speed. Using my 2f or 3f for a main charge in my 40, it regularly burned through patches. It also had horrible velocity spreads, maybe from burning the patches, maybe from it being so fluffy that it's hard to compress consistently. I was able to get more shots in without stopping to clean than with Scuetzen though, like almost indefinite. So overall, I won't bother using it for priming, but for the main charge it's usable for woods walks or plinking, and I'm glad to at least have it available.
I have heard that the longer you run it in your ball mill, the faster it gets, up until a certain point when optimum speed is reached for your recipe. 8-12 hours is ideal. Also the type of charcoal used makes a huge difference. I’ve read that making your own charcoal from willow, pine or grapevine produces a faster burning powder than you can achieve by using a “hardwood mix” purchased from stores who sell such things. I haven’t done it myself but have been researching. I’d venture a guess that one of these 2 is your culprit for slow burn.