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frizzen roller

Muzzleloading Forum

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It was a high end thing, first produced by makers such as Egg. 1790s though 1830s there was a great deal of competition and patton fever. There was a flint lock that changed the angle of the flint every time you cocked your gun, and platinum touch hole liners, or gold flash pan.
There was a cartoon done about1790 that showed a ‘gun that can kill in every direction’ the shooter shot and missed a grouse, but managed to kill his dog, his friend, his bat man.
Rollers were an extra feature, a sign of a fine gun.
When you hold your finger on a frizzen and flick it open very slowly, with the roller it moves smooth. With out a roller you can feel it drag. It’s not a chatter but very slow you notice it not as smooth.
It’s slight.
I’ve had several locks with rollers by L&R and Davis. I can’t say one worked better then an unrolled. My best lock is on my Centermark and it’s a Davis. However my Siler work real well.
I have locks both with and without the frizzen roller. I see no difference between the two styles. All are fast and reliable.
I don't think the rollered frizzen or frizzen spring was a gimmick. I think it did speed lock time with respect to pulling the trigger and igniting the priming. It provides strong resistance of the frizzen to the strike of the flint, when it matters and then moves the frizzen out of the way quickly with little resistance when the roller slides over the cam. When combined with recessed breeches, which positioned the pan close to the main charge, it created rapid ignition that helped shooters bring down birds on the fly. That is all. For most of us, I doubt we could tell the difference in shooting a gun with a rollered frizzen lock and one without. Moreover, it does not improve reliability of ignition at all. That is improved by a tuned lock and any feature that increases the scrape of the flint against the frizzen and directs the sparks into the pan. That cat can be skinned in multiple ways.
