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Frizzen back finishing?

Muzzleloading Forum

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40 Cal
Sep 8, 2021
Reaction score
So I'm cleaning up my Kibler Ketland, getting ready to put it all together. One thing I haven't been able to do is finish the back of the frizzen.

It comes hardened, but still shows the marks and dull finish. Is there anyway to clean it up without having to anneal the frizzen, and go through all of that?

What have you Kibler guys done with yours?
On eBay you can find inexpensive diamond file sets. It’s worthwhile to buy a set made up of flat files with different grits and a set that are like needle files. These are great for really hard steel. After filing to get surfaces flat and free of pits I switch to abrasive papers backed by files.
Are you talking about the strike face or the back?
The back of the frizzen, not the strike face.
On eBay you can find inexpensive diamond file sets. It’s worthwhile to buy a set made up of flat files with different grits and a set that are like needle files. These are great for really hard steel. After filing to get surfaces flat and free of pits I switch to abrasive papers backed by files.
I actually do have a set of those, so I'll try them.
I'm a little surprised by how deep those...casting pits?...are. Those may take a little time.


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