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finishing a Kibler lockset

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You make mention of polishing stones.I am looking for ones like what Kibler uses in his you tube tutorials. can't find any anywhere. Any idea where I can pick some up?

I buy my polishing stones from rio grande or geswein jewlers supply.

They come all shapes and sizes and grits, and they don’t break the bank.
When preparing and putting a finish on a Kibler lockset, should you completely disassemble it or can you do a good job with it left assembled?

yea, you’d want to disassemble the lock before any type of bluing or finishing is applied.

Jim has some pretty awesome instructions on his site for finishing is kits. I would always go there before you query folks on this forum for advice.
Here us my lock from my Kibler SMR. I disassembled it used a few files and sanded to 400 using various files an wood blocks as backers. Then I burnished it with Grey Scotch Brite to a nice even finish. I used Jax Black and Grey Scotch Brite.
Congress tools, Geiswein, MSC, and McMaster Carr should be able to fix you up with stones. I'm bought from Congress. I believe I've liked the Y-Oil stones as well as the super soft for brass details.

You make mention of polishing stones.I am looking for ones like what Kibler uses in his you tube tutorials. can't find any anywhere. Any idea where I can pick some up?
Look up SharpeningSupplies.com They may have something suitable.
You make mention of polishing stones.I am looking for ones like what Kibler uses in his you tube tutorials. can't find any anywhere. Any idea where I can pick some up?
Go to Kibler's web site, get his email address, and send an inquiry directly. They are good about answering.