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    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Mowrey Rescue.
      I had a Mowrey shotgun about 10 years ago. At the time I was advised to buy extra parts for it. I think I had 2 extra tumblers and at...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Re working my Traditions stock.
      You're lucky, you have pretty nice grain on that stock. Mine is very plain. I do have a Traditions Kentucky pistol that has very nice...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Louis Smith engraved barrel $$.
      Found some stuff on the internet, including this forum about Louis Smith. Apparently had a good reputation, out of Jonesboro Tennessee.
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Louis Smith engraved barrel $$.
      More pictures, like the breech would help. With what you provided, it appears to be a production barrel to me. Could be the owner...
    • rafterob
      All I know is, one of our club's better smoothbore shooters regularly hits in the black on an 8" bull at 100 yards. Considering to me...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread WNC.
      Welcome! You're not too far away from the French Broad Rifles. I hope you can come visit us sometime. Check out our website...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Hello All.
      Welcome from Asheville. If you ever get up this way, look up the French Broad Rifles.
    • rafterob
      Yes to both of your questions.
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread What the heck.
      Also does not look like the right lock for the barrel
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Flash Cup Question.
      I had no problem on my Mountain rifle using the stock nipple.
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread New member from TN.
      Welcome from Asheville NC
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread A Very General Opinion Question.
      For a shotgun, try to find a used Pedersoli. For a long rifle, I would search for a used custom rifle but $1000 may be a little low on...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Shoot out stuck patch?.
      The patch puller as pictured on the right I have found to be rather flimsy. Sometimes they are sufficient and other times they are not...
    • rafterob
      rafterob replied to the thread Shoot out stuck patch?.
      If no air compressor. Make a corkscrew on the end of a straightened out coat hanger, or other stiff wire. You will need to remember...
    • rafterob
      Still a good amount of muzzleloader parts on ebay. Search blackpowder or muzzleloader. It has been at least 5 years but i sourced and...
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