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    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Well, as luck would have it I had a partial emergency arise on the 4th and missed the chance to fire the complete gun that...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      The firing will look like this for a couple of years ago....... I did have a neighborhood audience a couple of years ago who loudly...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Preparations for firing on the Fourth..... PVC former for aluminum powder bags..... Formed powder bag..... Weighed 5 1/2 oz...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Here are the latest photos. I still have a few incidental things to finish up but the rebuild is basically done. It only took me 54...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Iron work and blacksmithing are done. Paint is dry. Wood finish is dry. Wheels are refurbished and painted. All new square headed...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      I decided to fill a few cracks on the wooden hubs prior to repainting. There were so few and they were so narrow that I decided they...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Brass work nearly all done...... Axel strap and under strap welding done (except for two built in washers on the axel strap...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Further progress.....refurbished the axel wheel skeins. Removed the old grease and repainted the exposed surfaces... The 175 year...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      I have spoken a lot about the "irons" on this cannon....and, indeed, there are many iron parts. But when I built this gun originally I...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      After sanding the axel and trail down to bare wood, I realized that I had not drilled the large bore for the rearmost rondelle in the...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Still working on the irons but needed to get started on some of the wood work modifications on the gun carriage so that I can get...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Linstock.
      I recently had someone ask me to make them a fancy linstock for a 4th of July cannon shoot. Here are the parts and the assembled...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      Got the grinding done on one of the under straps......Now it looks like it's supposed to look. Not "whimpy" and more. May finishing...
    • davec2
      davec2 replied to the thread Full scale cannon re-build.
      It has been a year since I had any time to work on finishing the re-build of this cannon and two years since I started the project. I...
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