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Shipping Percussion caps

Muzzleloading Forum

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36 Cl.
Jan 9, 2022
Reaction score
Hello.......A shipping question:

I have been shooting, away from home and have left over caps that I just don't want to leave behind.

Is it possible to ship them home, in any manner?

Please advise.

You cannot mail. You can however ship via UPS if you are willing to pay a very expensive Hazmat fee, at which point it would most likely be cheaper to just purchase new ones (if you can find them in your area once you get back).

Your best bet is yes, just find someone in the area that may be interested in them.
If you are driving take them. If you are flying, do not put them on the plane. If you ship them, UPS is the way, forget the US Post Office. I you get caught the fine is steep.
It's cool if you don't want to give too much info but I'm curious as to what scenario would exist where you are far away from home shooting I assume someone else's guns and powder, or guns and powder you keep somewhere else but have purchased percussion caps and don't want to leave them there or just give them to someone.
It's cool if you don't want to give too much info but I'm curious as to what scenario would exist where you are far away from home shooting I assume someone else's guns and powder, or guns and powder you keep somewhere else but have purchased percussion caps and don't want to leave them there or just give them to someone.

Curious, too - How did you get the caps to where you want to return them home ?
Shipping them legally would be a huge headache, and probably not worth it. That being said, you COULD just send them, but if something happened, you would most definitely be held liable for damages, and possibly civil / criminal charges. Still not worth it, in my opinion.

If it were me, I would sell the caps to somebody locally, and buy more at home.