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Had one call me and said he was police and was coming to throw me in jail if my fine was not paid right now. Told him I did not need to go to jail so he asked for a credit card number.Told him I only deal in cash to come by my house and it could be settled,he hung up.Another one wanted a card number to bail my son out of jail,told him sure thing,my card number is BR549
Had so many alerts about my info being hacked i have lost count. I found some peace in freezing/locking our credit rating at Equifax and the other 2. Sadly just a short list of hacks and scams include Equifax itself!!!. This is out of control and even the best CC are talking about limiting their losses which now mean little or no protections for users. As a side effect some of the money gurus are saying folks are reacting to scams and hacks by reducing or stopping buying stuff. I can say we are as well.
A few days ago I placed an order with Track of The Wolf. Decided to check on it this morning so I logged onto my email account. Tracking information they provided states the package is not far away and expected delivery tomorrow. The very next two emails were from some scammers stating there was an error on my order and they under-charged me. They were requesting I send $6.34 to them, just click onto the link. They are dumb enough to contend they are from UPS. Do those pinheads actually believe that UPS would be contacting me for an error TOTW made?

My God, scammers are everywhere and have been on the increase lately, at least with me. I was hoping they would stay away from our beloved muzzleloading sport but as we have seen recently with others that has been posted on here, that is not the case.

Also, my phone has been lighting up lately with increased scammers. Received two calls yesterday, one even leaving a voice mail. It has gotten to the point were we cannot trust anyone we do not know. Between shipping war stories on muzzleloaders and scammers, this limits us traditional folks even more.

I feel bad for the elderly that are easy prey for such predators.

Watch yourselves, folks.
Got the same from muzzle-loaders.com. I hadn't ordered from them I months. I forwarded it to muzzle-loaders.com and about an hour later I was included in a mass email from muzzle-loaders.com warning of the scam.

We don't answer any phone calls unless the caller is in our contact list. If it's real, they'll leave a msg.
Got a new phone. To use all its features you are required to give up all vestiges of privacy to use many of its features. Disabling apps seems to resulting in a cascade of text complaints and warnings especially those that limit those concerning location, sales and politics. All are possible scams. Remember when YOU controlled phone? Now it controls you like a wireless dog collar.
I get all the Lowes, home depot, Ace and so on. That I won a tool set...yeah right...! The other ones that I like are..We are giving away Ravin crossbows. Simple because of an add mistake. They even have Blake Sheldon for their advertisers.
In the past year, I've "bought" 27 i-phones. Every week or two, I get an email, purporting to be PayPal, with an invoice for $699.95 and stating that my PayPal account has paid for the phone.
Nice PayPal letterhead, phone number, etc. BUT - I have no PP account! And if I call the number, I always get some guy, heavy Paki accent, barely understandable. If I give my bank account number, they will be more than happy to reimburse me.
I have deleted them all, and have yet to get any bill from PP.
I think the scammers need to be introduced to the hanging gallows, Or a tiger shark...
I used to get probably 100 or more emails a week that I believe were Chinese. They were all different & telling about the terrific prize that could be mine just by clicking the link & giving my mailing address. Like I said, all different BUT they ALL had the same misspelling of my email address.

Then there's the very similar phone calls where no matter what you say, they keep asking you questions trying to get you to say "yes" so they can splice it into whatever scam they're running to make it sound like you agreed to something.

And for the last few weeks I've been getting emails supposedly from Lowe's and Harbor Freight about all these 'loyalty' prizes I can win for being such a great customer. All I need to do is take a short survey(which I'm sure at some point would require my personal info) They all claim to be from Lowe's or Harbor Freight but none of the 'sent from' emails have anything to do with these companies.

By the way, I'm such a "loyal" customer I'm probably in Lowe's once a year or so & I've been to Harbor Freight probably 3 times since they opened about 10 years ago.
I got a new one last week: Filled out survey on a boat I bought a year ago. Sure, I'm glad to help the dealership with feedback. Ignored the "will be entered in drawing for $50 gift card for filling out the survey." And guess what?! I was informed by the survey company that I won a gift card!! All I have to do to receive it is .... I deleted it and the 3 follow-ups I got.
ALL of the scam calls come from Calcutta India in a neighborhood called "Sector 5" in the Genesis building. Seriously.

They honestly believe that the US is nothing but rich folks that can afford to give a piece of their pie so they don't see it as stealing, or they try to justify it as such. And btw, when you let them know where they are located, you can hear their soul leave their body 😂

One aggravating thing that these scams have cause is people are terrified to answer their phone (which is ridiculous because at most your out 30 seconds of your time.) Customers leave their guns, I work on them and call to let them know they're done. They send me straight to voice-mail. Sounds like no big deal, right? Wrong. Tons of people don't have their voice-mail set up or it's full, so I sit on your gun with money tied up into it and don't get paid, because they're scared to answer a phone call from an unfamiliar number.
Hey guys: If you are getting a scam email about something you legitimately just ordered - either you or the vendor has a security leak somewhere. Someone's account is compromised if they know the details of what you are buying.
I’m not so sure it was the vendor. My guess is with UPS. The scammers didn’t necessarily know of what was ordered or from who. But they darn sure knew it was through UPS.
I put an ad in Facebook Marketplace for a lawn mower. FB Marketplace used to be a reliable forum for selling stuff. Within minutes I got 6 or 7 scam contacts to buy it, all from women. One guy was lowballing me from Pakistan. I pulled the ad and gave it to my grandson.

This week I got the page on the desktop that said my computer was infected with a virus and to not shut it down but call this number or you'll lose all of your data. I shut it down without incident.
I put an ad in Facebook Marketplace for a lawn mower. FB Marketplace used to be a reliable forum for selling stuff. Within minutes I got 6 or 7 scam contacts to buy it, all from women. One guy was lowballing me from Pakistan. I pulled the ad and gave it to my grandson.

This week I got the page on the desktop that said my computer was infected with a virus and to not shut it down but call this number or you'll lose all of your data. I shut it down without incident.
These events are unrelated.
The "virus" scam is to get you to call a number and divulge information.
These events are unrelated.
The "virus" scam is to get you to call a number and divulge information.
Yes, unrelated but just examples of different scams being created out there.

The Facebook scam was the "women" offered to immediately buy the mower and wanted to come over and pick it up but wanted me to send them my cell number so they could text me a 5 digit code. I was supposed to text the code back to them to prove I wasn't a scammer. Something bad would happen if I did I guess. They all did the same scam.
A lot of these are auto dialer calls or AI calls auto dialers are the easiest there is a delay when you say hello before someone says anything and yep they ant from Texas. Ai calls are scripted you say hello they ask how you days is going so tell them They will keep talking. Use caller id if 1-800 or a city name anything thing other then a name don't bother if a real person let it go to answering machine real they will leave a message if not they just hang up