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New from mid Mo.

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Jul 27, 2022
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Hello all, I'm new to traditional muzzleloaders, but have been hunting exclusively with inline muzzleloaders for some time. I've bought and sold many brands of inlines, and despite the horror stories, have always been drawn back to CVA. Ive always wanted a traditional muzzy, so when I spotted this .54 cal CVA Grey Wolf up for auction, I couldn't resist. I'm sure traditional shooting will be a little different ball game for me, but I appreciate the opportunity to learn from you all here. Located in central Missouri.


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Retired from Cole County. What county are you in and any ML shooting going on around you?
I'm in Warren Co, about 90 min straight west of the arch. Looks like you are 2 or 3 counties away. Not sure about ML shooting around here, though I've just started looking into it myself. There are some clubs around I think. We have 2 private shooting ranges here on the property I live on and manage, so I mostly shoot right here.
I'm in Warren Co, about 90 min straight west of the arch. Looks like you are 2 or 3 counties away. Not sure about ML shooting around here, though I've just started looking into it myself. There are some clubs around I think. We have 2 private shooting ranges here on the property I live on and manage, so I mostly shoot right here.
Heard about the Gemmer club near St. Louis, but have yet to make it down there. United Sportsman's Club in Jefferson City used bo have an active M/L group, but since moving away in '04, I've not kept up. We're now south of Hannibal and not heard of anything in many years.
Heard about the Gemmer club near St. Louis, but have yet to make it down there. United Sportsman's Club in Jefferson City used bo have an active M/L group, but since moving away in '04, I've not kept up. We're now south of Hannibal and not heard of anything in many years.
Yes, I read about them. May need to form our own.