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Eastern Knife Sheath Construction

Muzzleloading Forum

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36 Cl.
Nov 24, 2022
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Does anyone have any details on how the rawhide or bark liner of an Eastern Woodlands neck knife sheath was sewn into place?
Over on the Skills of the 18th century woodsmen, linen leather and steel, Joe Seabolt - one of the best knife makers in the country, has a whole tutorial on making a rawhide liner and sheath. Join that group !! His tutorial with 23 pics is under the featured selection at the top of the page. He made his tutorial really easy to follow.
Ohio Rusty ><>
Over on the Skills of the 18th century woodsmen, linen leather and steel, Joe Seabolt - one of the best knife makers in the country, has a whole tutorial on making a rawhide liner and sheath. Join that group !! His tutorial with 23 pics is under the featured selection at the top of the page. He made his tutorial really easy to follow.
Ohio Rusty ><>
Do you have a link? Never heard of that place that I can remember.
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