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      theoldredneck reacted to Eric Krewson's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      I worked in a 5X7 offset corner of my garage by the water heater for 18 years, this was in Alabama. When it got too hot, I pulled my...
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      theoldredneck reacted to Mike in FL's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      Yes sir. And they would have loved a scoped semi auto .308. We love to study and act out their ways, but few there are alive today who...
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      theoldredneck reacted to yellowhammer's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      Some of us 20th century guys grew up in the deep hot south without a/c. When it got too hot we jumped in Little Canoe Creek.
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      theoldredneck reacted to springfield art's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      Those 18th & 19th Century guys would've loved to have the luxury!
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      theoldredneck reacted to SHAGBARK's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      Oh it's a stuffy little shed I'm working in but it's got electric so a fan is in order today. A coon got in there the other night and...
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      theoldredneck reacted to Mike in FL's post in the thread Sweat with Like Like.
      I've been in Tombstone the last 2 weeks. 8 percent humidity and 105 temp. Nice to visit but it is way to dry for me. Can't breath...
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