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    • R
      rt6425 replied to the thread Brown Bess pistol.
      I like the idea of either the land or sea service, but I want to make almost all of it myself. Where can I get the pattern of the stock...
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      rt6425 replied to the thread Brown Bess pistol.
      The tower pistols are what I’m trying to replicate. Ideally, I’d like 75 caliber.
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      I want to make a flintlock pistol in the style of the brown Bess, but roughly the size of the sea service pistols. I want to make the...
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      rt6425 posted the thread Saber type in Accoutrements.
      I found this saber that said it was from the US Civil War era. I am trying to confirm that. There are no markings on it. It looks like a...
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    • R
      I want to make a blunderbuss that is accurate to the British Navy blunderbusses. I am planning on making the barrel myself. Can someone...
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