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    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Ottoman Guns.
      Neat!!!!!1 thanks for posting these.!
    • fireman1
      I don't think tooling is the issue. It would not be too hard to cast the brass parts. Same for the wood stock. They probably sold...
    • fireman1
      fireman1 reacted to Meriwether's post in the thread Burned! with Like Like.
      Since this ends at least one issue. I'm going to close this thread. If you see a thread like this about a member, report it, or send...
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      Well, DANG!! it is there. Thanks for pointing that out. I will use it in the future.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      Sorry I was not clear. A system tied to their username/profile. Click on their profile and see the feedback. IIRC other forums that...
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      How about people that have missed this thread? A rating or easy to see feedback system might help.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      That would terrible. One bad apple should not ruin it for all.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 reacted to Sam squanch's post in the thread Burned! with Angry Angry.
      I can see the “ for sale “ ads going away very soon….. maybe for the best.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      Merriweather. Thanks for chiming in.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 reacted to Meriwether's post in the thread Burned! with Like Like.
      Maybe more is going on that we cannot talk about in open forum. And would any of you like your warnings or conversations with us out...
    • fireman1
      fireman1 reacted to Brokennock's post in the thread Burned! with Like Like.
      This tells me two things... 1st,,, he is a "MLF Supporter" which I suspected after reading some of the comments that seemed surprised he...
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      OP should change the title of the thread to include his name like Brockennock said.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      What a loser.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Film Quote.
      Nebraska....your talking about Nebraska.
    • fireman1
      fireman1 replied to the thread Burned!.
      A mod needs to step in and ban that guy from the trader unless he does a full refund.
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