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Dropped the hammer on a deer......

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45 Cal.
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
Yesterday morning I was hunting on one of the farms I have permission to hunt on. I hear a twig breaking on my left and see a deer trotting up the hill. Show time I think. I raise the rifle, pulling the hammer back to full cock, and flip the hammer stall off of the frizzen. Aligning the sights on the fold of the shoulder the trigger breaks....... KLATCH POOF! No boom :doh: As I reprime and laugh to my self, about 20 deer trot out of range. BJH
Bummer...better luck next time. (PS: had the prime been in there long?)

I always worry about that happening to me so I dump / refresh mine every hour on the hour, unless it's above average humidity, then I do it every 30 minutes.
Had that happen to me last season only my frizzen had opened and allowed the prime to spill out.This year I haven't seen anything remotely organic other than trees. :cursing:
I had the same thing happen this year, except she gave me an even better shot opportunity 20 minutes later. She wasn't so lucky the second time. :wink:
:rotf: :rotf: Like Larry the cable guy says: I don't care who you are, that's funny!
Ouch!Just think how much big they will be when they come trotting by next time.
Been there,dropped the hammer on a 54 cal.dbl rifle... cap went off no boom.
deer trotted away,recapped pointed at the nearest tree and kaboom.
1 hour later the deer came back and I double lunged the big one.

That evening one of my buddies hunting 1/4 mile away asked if I had heard the guy shooting the 22 early that morning. :haha:
B.Habermehl said:
As I reprime and laugh to my self, about 20 deer trot out of range. BJH

If you got to the "laugh to my self" part without passing through the :cursing: cursing under your breath part, your a better man then I. :bow:
It happens to all of us. Last year I spent a week hunting javelina here in Southern Arizona. Finally stalked up on one with his nose buried in the brush. He gave me all day to line up the shot from 30 yards with my hawken rifle. Full cock, set trigger, breathe, squeeze, *POP* no *BOOM*. Off the little bugger runs. February will be my 3rd attempt at the elusive "Desert Ghost". Hope to break my curse then.

I applaud your laughing at yourself. Me....well lets just say I would of made my sailor father proud that day. :thumbsup:
I've lowered my expectations to the point where I'll be satisfied if I could come across any sort of carbon based life form. :idunno: :(
Sounds like me years ago when I decided to javelina hunt in the Texas hill country with a double smoothbore that belonged to a friend. I was in a small cave-like cut out in a creek bank waiting for the local javelina population to come by and backed up with the other barrel loaded with shot in case limb chicken was all that showed up. Range was only about 15-20 yards so I figured a big ole load of blue whistler buckshot would 'do good' for the little ruffled pigs! After a couple of hours of sitting and waiting for anything to happen, I let my mind wander...What happened to all the rubber worn off tires since they were invented?; Why do you never see empty Tabasco bottles?; If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?...you know how it goes! Next thing I know a whole gaggle of those mini porkers are standing out there. Boar, two sows and a flock of little javelinettes! The big guy walks behind a holly bush and I got the sights on him, waiting for him to step out. I wait and he stays put....finally decide the buckshot will shread the bush and let her rip! BOOM!...bush shutters but he doesn't even flinch. I finally look down and, you guessed it, finger's on the wrong trigger! Just like Custer at the Little Big Horn or Davey Crockett at the Alamo, "Aw Shucks!"(similar but different). The oinks bolt at that like a covey of quail and while I'm making sure I"m on the right trigger and get shouldered again...they're gone! Did I say I'm an idiot!!??? :doh: Every leaf on the holly bush had a #5 hole in it but not a hair or drop of blood on the ground. Senor Oink got a dusting but nothing serious...Oops! I'm an idiot! :rotf:
hahaha! Well at least it went off. What do they say....to errrrrr is human? Freak'n pigs! :hatsoff: