I guess I'm confused.
I'm pretty sure, TC 1000+ Bore Butter is the same thing as regular Bore Butter with some advertising jargon added.
As for "shooting all day", a lot of that depends on what the powder was.
I have yet to find any real black powder that doesn't foul the bore to the point that some damp wiping isn't required. I think about 5 shots was the most I have ever fired before loading the next patched ball became difficult.
Using a synthetic black powder like Pyrodex on the other hand, I've fired over 40 shots without needing to wipe the bore once.
When using Pyrodex, the first shot loads very easily in the clean bore. The next shot loads with a bit of resistance.
Every following shot loads with the same resistance.
It's like a thin layer of fouling is left behind after the first shot but all subsaquent shots don't really add any more fouling to it.
Anyway, getting back to Bore Butter, IMO none of it contains enough fluid of any kind to actually soften up black powder fouling so that wiping is not needed.
If I want to use a patch lube that wipes the bore nicely each time I load, I use Stumpkillers "Moose Juice", applied wet to the patch just before loading.
Because it's wet and applied directly to the ball's patch, every time you ram the ball down the bore, it softens and wipes off the fouling from the last shot.
If you don't know how to make Moose Juice, here is the recipe to make about 1 cup of it.
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) 4 TABLESPOONS
Castor Oil 1 1/2 TABLESPOONS
Murphys Oil Soap 1 1/2 TEASPOONS
Water (non-chlorinated) 1/2 CUP
I should add, I've made several cups of this and stored it in clear plastic Mustard squeeze bottles, complete with plastic cap and removable lid.
One bottle I made over 4 years ago and it is just the same as when I made it.
More importantly, it did not damage the plastic squeeze bottle and try to leak out of it. :grin: