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Fears Deadly Deer Disease Could Infect Humans

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.... doesn't mean it's attributable to the messenger.

No, I'm sorry, but you're still not getting it. Allow me to present an example.

Here is the article's given title:
Fears Deadly Deer Disease Could Infect Humans

Here's an alternate title that conveys the same information without the sensationalism:
Scientists Investigate If Deer Disease Could Spread to Humans

Of course, Newsmax's choice of reporting method in this case is NOT even-handed. As demonstrated above, it's crafted to appeal to human emotions by choice of words. That was an editorial choice and had nothing to do with the content of the story. Note that the title is even misleading in that not only does it arouse the human emotion of fear of death, it implies a possibility that it could be a present-tense existing situation, giving it much immediacy and concern, instead of something that is not currently existing, but science investigating if it could at some point exist in the future, which is what the article is really about. (And something science routinely does, giving the content of the story much less concern.)

To sum up a long and heartfelt rant on one of my "hot-button" topics, skip down ....
....to here: it's not about WHAT the story is about, it's about HOW the story is told, and that is entirely attributable to the reporter and the editor.
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No, I'm sorry, but you're still not getting it. Allow me to present an example.

Here is the article's given title:
Fears Deadly Deer Disease Could Infect Humans

Here's an alternate title that conveys the same information without the sensationalism:
Scientists Investigate If Deer Disease Could Spread to Humans

Of course, Newsmax's choice of reporting method in this case is NOT even-handed. As demonstrated above, it's crafted to appeal to human emotions by choice of words. That was an editorial choice and had nothing to do with the content of the story. Note that the title is even misleading in that not only does it arouse the human emotion of fear of death, it implies a possibility that it could be a present-tense existing situation, giving it much immediacy and concern, instead of something that is not currently existing, but science investigating if it could at some point exist in the future, which is what the article is really about. (And something science routinely does, giving the content of the story much less concern.)

To sum up a long and heartfelt rant on one of my "hot-button" topics, skip down ....
....to here: it's not about WHAT the story is about, it's about HOW the story is told, and that is entirely attributable to the reporter and the editor.
During the day the local TV station broadcasts little blurbs urging us to watch the noon or 6:00PM news. If there was a shooting, big fire, massive traffic accident is is prominent in the blurbs. They never mention the Girl Scout Cookie sale or Good Samaritan stories.
No, I'm sorry, but you're still not getting it. Allow me to present an example
I'm absolutely getting that! It's a tactic engaged by every single news organization. I don't think it's acceptable to do it and I think the vast majority of Americans are in agreement on that. So, in that regard you and I are in complete agreement.

The "scientists" who actually created the story are clearly engaged in peddling fear. It's initiated with a press release. The use of which is literally taught in higher education circles. It's not a new thing. When I was a college student back in the early 70's I was advised by more than one professor that every research paper must end with a call for more research. And every research project must use the press release to bring attention and support to the project. It's all about the money.

So the above paragraph is a digression and I'm sure you realize that. We might even be in agreement on it.

But beyond that remains the question in my mind as to whether or not any news disseminator should when they publish engage in editorializing within the report. Maybe somewhere else in the publication where it's clearly an editorial.

To summarize my thoughts, Newsmax did what they all do with the attention grabbing headline. The publication of the press release is part of the every day function of a news organization. To intentionally ignore it is censorship (which they will gladly do when something conflicts with their agenda).
.... Maybe somewhere else in the publication where it's clearly an editorial.
Yes. And that's the way it used to be done, "back in the day", before journalism first got confused with entertainment, and then even further twisted by point-of-view, opinion and finally (horrors, narrative). Print journalism has always been editorial (eg Ben Franklin). There was a day when broadcast journalism was relatively pure and untainted, but I think those days might have been a temporary aberration rather than the rule, human nature being what it is. The main thing is to be aware of what journalism is: no matter what the facts may be, they're always as seen by a human pair of eyes, filtered through a human mind perceiving what was seen, remembered, and understood within that human's personal experience and view of the world, and then finally transcribed and relayed to the recipients in just the selected the bits and pieces of those facts and in ways that mind wants it to be communicated and understood by thost recpients. There's no way that process can be avoided, or even mitigated to any great degree. So it's up to the recipient of the communication to try to discern the intent of the communicator when it's not made clear right up front: fact, opinion or persuasion?

In the present case, it's words like "fear" and "death" and "infect" that jumped out at me. I don't know if sensationalism was the staff writer's intent, but it sure was the editor's. And since it's the editor that has the final say on what appears "in print" and since the editor is a representative of management, I'd have to conclude by suspecting that Newsmax has been infected with the same spirit that infects MSM.
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I've experienced the same thing on a Texas Hog hunt, when I saw the tame caged Hogs and the shooting setup my Son and I left, too much like buying a Ham sandwich, shooting it and mounting it.
my fruend went on a quail hunt like that. he took one of his young pointers. he said the birds wouldnt hardly fly u had to kick them up. he lost his cool. he leased his dog up and had a few bad things to say to the guide. long story short. he was escorted off the property by deputies. he got a little rough on one of the guys.
There's only one study I know of that has been done. It was based upon the occurrence of brain diseases in people who live and farm bordering the south Platte River in Colorado. This has been a hot spot for cwd since it was found here. The people who live in and farm on this area have a long tradition of hunting for and consuming deer here. The occurrence of brain disease among those people over a 20 year period should the rate of occurrence to be no different than the rate across the US.

The human form of the prion disease is called Creutzfeldt Jacob disease. It seems to be spontaneous. It's not CWD. The immune system is responsible for clearing folded proteins. Some think that CJD is not uncommon but healthy immune systems clear it.

There's plenty of information available about CWD and CJD. When you encounter claims of human CWD, look hard at the source and the actual evidence.

You have some real good information and points here.
You are right to suggest that people look carefully at sources for actual evidence. Most don't, we just stop at the first thing we see or when we are told something we WANT to hear, Let's not let a little thing like evidence and fact get in the way.
However, on this topic the real issue is below:
Here is the article's given title:
Fears Deadly Deer Disease Could Infect Humans

Here's an alternate title that conveys the same information without the sensationalism:
Scientists Investigate If Deer Disease Could Spread to Humans

There should be interest in CWD for two good reasons:

One: Do you want deer herds to continue to exist? It is spreading, the reason is unknown. If left "unchecked" what will happen to cervidae as a whole?
No one knows, but maybe finding out might be good.

Two: Is there a possibility it could spread to Humans?
There are five different "prion" diseases that we currently know of: Scrapie in sheep, CWD in deer, BSE or mad cow disease in bovines, CJD and Kuru or TSE in humans. No one knows where they come from, we do know that kuru has been around for a while. Some believe they are spontaneous immune responses but till the outbreak of mad cow disease no one gave them much thought. Why? you ask, because these types of diseases were not supposed to be transmittable from one species to the next. OOPS. CJD was thought to be a non transmittable spontaneous event. TSE stands for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, which is contagious in humans, but along came BSE and the game changed. So the question of if the CWD MIGHT at sometime in the future transfer to humans is indeed a very good one because we have two of these diseases that do cause infection in humans, are pretty much 100% fatal, and it ain't an easy way to go, one of which was not supposed to cause disease in you and I.

Interesting, as Ötzi, the copper-age mummy found in the Alps, reportedly had Lyme disease. I wonder if the current version is a relative, and not the same as the strain in him?

To the best of the ability of science today, It is extremely possible Ötzi had Lyme Disease. The disease is not a Lab Escapie, it has been around for a long while, but as science progresses the ability to discover, isolate and treat them improves. The bacterial DNA for Borrelia burgdorferi was discovered when they sequenced his DNA, it was posited that this was the reason for his tattoo's, which were surmised to be medical in nature due to their shape and locations.

I hadn't heard that. Wonder if a comparison of the present form and Otzi form could be done? OTOH, the natural evolution of the virus could make that difficult.

Lyme Disease is caused by a Bacteria not a virus nor, for that matter, a prion. The bactieriae are collectively called Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu Lato: there are multiple different strains throughout the world. Since the disease was discover in Ötzi by DNA sequencing and not by microscopic examination we can safely say that it is the same disease. Borrelia is a spirochete disease like syphilis and a host of other diseases. Well, that's my washers worth,
and I know you don't really care much for it, do you?
but it is just my broken Hallelujah

I am, with apologies to Leonard,

Mad Michael.

Well, that's my washers worth,
and I know you don't really care much for it, do you?

Huh?? I find it very interesting and informative. M references to lab escapee of Lyme is based on gain of function experiments allegedly (by RFK) performed at a bio lab on Plum Island New York.

I was not aware that it is a bacteria vs virus. Just one of many tid bits of value in your post.
Huh?? I find it very interesting and informative. M references to lab escapee of Lyme is based on gain of function experiments allegedly (by RFK) performed at a bio lab on Plum Island New York.

I was not aware that it is a bacteria vs virus. Just one of many tid bits of value in your post.
Thank you for your response and comment.

I come up with off the wall tag lines because...

The "washers worth" refers to my childhood of many, many years ago when someone at school always knew which vending machines in town would accept
zinc washers as currency, sometimes requiring a piece of tape over the hole. In truth though I never indulged in it much because I got caught doing it by my mom and she made me go in and apologize to the owner, pay him with real money, and my rear end had some extensive interaction with the wooden spoon after we got home. I quickly decided a life on the financial straight and narrow was way less painful. The rest was just to make it work with Cohen's song.

Plum Island was a Veterinary Disease Center run by our beloved government and that is not to say they were not researching Lyme Disease. I do not know one way or the other and I no longer have the time, motivation, nor am I being paid to research it anymore to go about filing a freedom of information request. It is only spread by being directly injected into the blood stream by an insect vector--In this case Ticks and certain biting horse flies: not terribly useful for a weapon or such. To the best of my knowledge it is primarily carried by deer and horses, but I'm not a Veterinarian so I don't know for sure.

The good new is that the closed this research facility on and island off the coast of New York in 2023 which was not capable of studying diseases of animals that humans could catch.
The bad new is that it was moved to Kansas, which is just where we need it, right? smack dab in the heartland! This facility does study diseases that both humans and animals can catch.

An Island off New York for a facility in the middle of the Heart Land of America, which was highly controversial from the get go.

just another way and another reason
I am
Mad Michael
Anything could happen at any time. It is a legitimate issue but until CWD has, in fact, been transmitted to a human, and verified, then there is nothing anyone can do about it other than have your harvested animal tested.

The government sure as heck is not going to tell us the truth about what they may or might not have done.

In terms of the title that’s been posted, it’s nothing more than fear mongering. It was published that way for that very reason. Fear sells. What a wonderful way to get people to stop hunting or stop eating meat that the NWO/Globalists want us so much to do.

One thing we can absolutely count on……if and when CWD ever is transmitted to a human by way of consumption of CWD meat, the whole country will be all over it. Every news site, every news paper, web sites everywhere. But even then it still has to be verified.
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(edited to clarify) It's CWD has been confirmed in our state now, in NW Alabama. Not necessarily related, but there was a case of CJD in a lady in middle TN near here a while back. Everybody consumes venison around here. I gotta admit I'm getting gun-shy.
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(edited to clarify) It's CWD has been confirmed in our state now, in NW Alabama. Not necessarily related, but there was a case of CJD in a lady in middle TN near here a while back. Everybody consumes venison around here. I gotta admit I'm getting gun-shy.
Here's a probable reality. Confirmed is undoubtedly correct but this is not necessarily an indication that "it has arrived". It may have been there for years. As more and more cases appear it will seem to be an outbreak when it's actually a surge in testing.

CJD is different from CWD.
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