Freedom hills is 30K acres and is vastly under hunted, lots of scouting is must. it is so vast that I have never seen another hunter in the woods when I hunted my favorite places around the Coon Dog cemetery. Of course, getting a deer out can be a problem if you are way off the paved roads. They do open the normally locked gates on the days of gun hunts. The rut is in late January on this area.
Strange, the censor bleeped the normal word for Raccoon.
The cemetery actually exists, a dog has to be a night champion to be buried there, just walking into the place gives you a warm just feeling knowing how much these dogs were loved. They hold a yearly celebration at this cemetery that has become a big deal for raccoon hunters all over the country.
Old Troop was the first dog buried there, 87 years ago.
Strange, the censor bleeped the normal word for Raccoon.
The cemetery actually exists, a dog has to be a night champion to be buried there, just walking into the place gives you a warm just feeling knowing how much these dogs were loved. They hold a yearly celebration at this cemetery that has become a big deal for raccoon hunters all over the country.

Old Troop was the first dog buried there, 87 years ago.

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